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Call me a music fan that really seriously thinks it’s just a genre. That would be a shame. I mean, what’s going to happen to you? And many songs have united several genres.
So, as far as I’m concerned, I’d be a poor music lover, I’d just be rock or just blues. I’m not letting myself get involved.
Rock and Popwhat I hear most, but it’s not crossable. Today I have the greatest part of Turkish music, like this:
Ausser Rap more or less everything with focus on metal and rock.
Rock, Metal, Punk, bands that cover this spectrum I find good. And I love classics
Often rap, however, from everything else. The main thing is it sounds good.
Even with metal, classics or hits, there are good things I occasionally hear. I’m very versatile.
What I don’t like and don’t hear is blues, jazz and gospel. For my taste, it’s just noise and no music. But the tastes are different.
I’m interested in classical music, and my favorite composers are Beethoven, Rachmaninow, and Chopin.
Also good , why not .
First and foremost AC/DC, Metal and other Rock’n Roll
Of these listed musical directions, I prefer to listen to Rap.
Especially Eminem likes it. But I also heard 50 cents, Jay-Z, Snoop Dogg, Macklemore like the German rappers Cro and Sido.
But I don’t like metal, jazz and blues (for this I like fast blues, so R’n’B) aren’t mine either, rock is still clear, but nothing I want to hear, techno just annoys in the ears and percussion is not mine.
Otherwise I like to hear pop music next to Rap. But there are also classical pieces of music that I like to look back and forth.
Of the listed, most likely rock. So direction Meat Loaf etc.
I’m just starting with it.
I hear the old real rapper…BIG,2Pac.
Or also Synthwave,LoFi
Several of them.
Partly loud, but not everything.
My personal favorite.
classical music, Mozart, Beethoven, Bach…
That’s how it is.
Deutschrap, Metal, Rock and Hardcore
Interesting mix
I also find:D
Metal for ever😂
I hear hits, folk music and Austro Pop.
I prefer to listen to rock and pop, both in English and in German.