Welche Motorsense ist besser: Stihl FS55 oder Makita EM2651UH?

Ich möchte eine Motorsense kaufen. Stihl FS55 vs. Makita EM2651UH. Stihl (2 Takter, 1PS ) vs Makita ( 4 Takter, 1,1PS ).Beide um 260€.Welche ist besser? Brauche Hilfe. ?

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9 years ago

They’ll be okay. it’s just about personal premises. I myself have a Stihl, the two-stroke engine has fewer moving parts and twice the amount of working cycles than the four-stroke engine, with the four-stroke engine, only gasoline has to be done with a two-stroke mixture with engine oil. In the case of a four-stroke engine, it is necessary to change the oil, and in the case of a two-stroke engine it is not necessary. In your place, I’d try out the devices, then maybe you’ll find out which device you prefer.

9 years ago
Reply to  mrlilienweg

Congratulations – the answer hits the nail on the head. In addition, it might be possible for the two-strokes to have a greater service in the long term, in which the engine is discharged (the oil is then removed effectively), because otherwise the piston can be scraped up to the piston eater. It is also useful to clarify the service and repair options before a purchase. The useful devices have the property that they have to repair again and again because of a smallness. This issue also includes guarantees; a 3-year guarantee does not use anything if the place that has to afford the guarantee is nothing.

9 years ago

And what you should remember is what you want to use the free cutter. With a 4 clock, one usually has more torque (force) than with the 2 clock, but less speed. And with a 4 clock, the speed can usually not be regulated as well, i.e. full gas or stand gas. A 2 clock can usually also be more emotionally controlled in the speed which is important just when it comes to sensitive areas just at the lawn edge cutting around flower beds, gravel paths etc. where you can’t always work with full load. So best try.

9 years ago

By the way, Makita is also identical to Dolmar. If you like the Makita personally better look at Dolmar and compare the prices. Sometimes one is cheaper than the other.