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Old stones.
I have taken “other” – because they sometimes belong to sights or churches and are often art for me, but not always.
I actually often photograph old (man-made) stones – and also like the places that others don’t even see (about sights).
The second thing I like to photograph is flowers.
I like to photograph the sea/water, landmarks and other things that you can encounter while walking.
Nature 🤗 So trees or lakes or animals 🥰
Love greetings Luna 🍀
People, animals, plants, landscape and professional aircraft (models and real) and RC Cars.
Most popular people – men, women…
And from portrait to act.
If I take a picture, then I’d like to see sights. 😁😄
LG Fabi180807
Actually, when we go on a trip, the camera must not be missing. Last stop Föhr.
Deep Sky objects
The little things in life, microcosm (:
All possible 😀
Mostly zoo elephants
Mostly nature and exceptional situations.