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2 years ago

You need to train accordingly and adjust your technique to larger and heavier opponents. Wing Tsun/Chun is well suited to defeat larger opponents, or at least effectively to defend. You can get some useful inspiration. You can also learn from people who are known for their strength, even against larger opponents. I recommend videos from Benny “The Jet” Urquidez. Benny has black straps in 5 or 6 different styles. Among other things, in the old classic Taekwon-Do. He created his own style Ukidokan. Benny is very small, I mean barely 1.50 meters tall. He is my idol from the old days when kickboxes and then Muay Thai became more popular and famous. Benny was one of the pioneers who came to the Muay Thai in Thailand and won. And even there he was usually always the little one. He took part in a streetfight tournament in the middle west. He was the smallest participant. After three days he stood in the finale against the largest participant. A man of Hawaii. 2 meters tall, Superweight and Wrestler/Catcher. Benny needed 3 rounds and then was winner through ko. A madman. He had the name The Jet because of his spectacular and yet effective jumps. Benny was a grenade and later choreographed many good film fights in Fimen. But be careful, an opponent is bigger, heavier and stronger is always a reason that you can lose a fight with painful flags. If you want to be able to show bigger things where the hammer hangs, then the intense and hard workout. You can’t even do that. Good luck and success in training!

2 years ago

You just have to meet where the body is sensitive, but only in the case of real emergency, that would be appropriate in martial sports.

2 years ago
  • Karate
  • Tae kwon do
  • Kung fu
  • Rings


2 years ago

Rings, exactly.

2 years ago

A firearm

2 years ago

You’re physically undermined. You can possibly compensate for this with skill and speed