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Milk from the cow that makes Muuh 🐄
Usually either 3.5% or 3.8%.
Years ago, I tried goat’s milk. I can’t remember the taste anymore. Just because I found her very tasty. It was too expensive for me.
organic pasture or hay milk, fresh and self tapped on the Demeter Biobauernhof, to which we drive 1 x/week, because this is a beautifully located four-sided farm with many attractions for children. The family loves this milk. I always only taste a little bit, it’s the taste of childhood.
Since I no longer contract lactose, I generally drink lactose-free cow’s milk or unsweetened almond milk.
Normal cow’s milk with normal fat content.
But I also like goat and sheep milk.
normal whole milk
Oat milk in coffee, for cooking and baking normal cow milk.
Oats, soya, rice, almond.
No real milk?
No. I’m disgusting. 😅
It also makes my cocoa 😋
Only in the coffee
Milk make thick and gets totally overcrowded….
I don’t like their magic with chimneys, but it’s not homogenized, I don’t drink homogenized milk much better.
The fresh 3.5 of Aldi.
Sometimes I’ll get a 3,8 country milk.
Oat milk.
I’m disgusting with real milk.
Almond milk.
Lactose-free cow’s milk
Unfortunately, I have a lactose intolerance.
None, not at all. I just don’t like milk and don’t even drink.
I need coconut milk for cooking. That was it.
Only vegetable, everything else would be funny 🙂
Then I’m funny? Low fat milk from the cow?
Milk from the cow is for calves. I doubt you’re one 🙂
oat milk or protein milk
Milk. Just milk.
Hi, Regina3.
The normal milk from Weihenstephan tastes very good to me, but it must be ice cold.
Warm or hot milk does not go to me.😂
Greetings, Renate.
Normal cow full milk 3.5%
Lactose-free cow’s milk 3.8 %
no one at all.
Christmas Stephan 3.5 % fat
Milk from cow 3.5%
oats or lactose-free milk
But have greatly reduced consumption.
Cow milk and goat milk taste both horny, why do you ask?
So no oats, soya or other alternatives?
Yes, yes. But officially, you can’t call it milk.
What is your definition of milk?
Dyed water with thickeners and pesticides is not a milk but a nutrient-free industrial waste
Mainly there are barber milk, coconut milk, baby milk, sun milk, sealing milk. But woe they say oat milk. then all freak out “DaS iSt kEiNe rIcHTIge MiLcH”
In coffee condensed milk, otherwise not.
Human breast milk
How old are you?
I don’t want to say that, but in any case for a while, no more young people
Rezo sorry?
Cow milk.
Why not?
Because milk is not a drink for me, but a food. Besides, I don’t like milk.