Welche Medikamente helfen?
Bei einer extremen&chronischen Hausstaubmilbenallergie? Durch die Allergie liege ich mehrere Wochen komplett flach und nichts hilft. Vor einigen Jahren fand man Kot toter Milben in meinem Blut.
Meine Symptome:
•gerötete tränend juckende Augen
•Ohren jucken
•Gaumen juckt&geröteter Rachen
•Nase juckt&extreme Niesattacken(20 hintereinander)
=>Muskelschmerzen am ganzen Körper beim Niesen
For allergies, I can only recommend you to take Fenistil drops. However, these make a little tired, but help quickly.
Otherwise, if necessary, I still take loratadin, which makes me personally not tired, but does not work as fast as fenistil
In the long run, however, I can only blame you for doing something against this allergy. I made desensitising because of my graves and it certainly helped. And the years are going very fast. Then you don’t always have to take these stupid drugs
Try it 🥰 wish you good luck and good improvement
I also heard of LoranoPro and Cetirizin. Are these drugs good?
LoraPro should be Loratadin. Is better tolerated for many, because cetirizin often makes tired and loratadin makes me zb not tired 🥰
In house dust mite allergy, drugs are treated with antihistamines, glucocorticoids or leukotrin – receptor antagonists.
Hyposene siliconization is available either subcutaneous > SCIT or sublingual > SLIT.
You mention in your question Keuchhusten > Pertussis! Are you not vaccinated against Pertussis?
But I’m vaccinated.
Which antihistamines best help against chronic house dust mite allergy?
Z.b. Desloratadin o.a. Which antihistaminic was recommended to you by the treating physician?
Had taken Cetirizin before, but it hardly helps me personally. Others liked me Fenistil and LoranoPro, but don’t know me that well.
No, he just says “Bed linen change, anti-duty bed linen etc”, which doesn’t help me because we live in a very old house. I’m going to get out of my house and until then I need a medicamentous transition solution.
What have you changed in your environment?
There are many ways to cope with mites
Allegra is a new drug that does not get tired
My environment is dusty. My house dust mite allergy is very extreme so that it lasts for weeks. Now it gets colder again and the allergy gets worse