Welche maximale Downloadgeschwindigkeit habt ihr bei euch, z.B. auf Steam?
Ich 13,6 MB/s (Hamburg)
Ich 13,6 MB/s (Hamburg)
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Ich kann mich da nirgends anmelden. Sehe nur das. Ich hab prime video, aber kein amazon prime Chrome, win10
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100 Mbits/sec Down and 30 Mbits/sec Up – for living in the mountains, this is very good…
Of course, it’s always server-dependent. Steam almost always loads my line (1Gbit/s). For other downloads, the size is often so small that I can’t really capture it. ^^
I have played between 10 and 13 but dara that my pc is connected to the Internet via wlan
Mine too.
Had a maximum of 25 Mb the second, usually it was set at 20-22.
I want to say that if there is actually “MB/s”, your client is out of date. 😉
I current client gives Steam the data transmission rates quite clearly in “Bit/s” or “Mbit/s”.
This is the misleading “MB/s” story.
No matter what the part shows, as long as it loads fast enough, the rest is sh…egal. 😀
I just see:
In the download options, there is the “View download rate in bits per second” switch that is active with me.
Couldn’t remind me of what has changed in recent years – and before I was definitely “MB/s” in the download area and now stop “Mbit/s”.
Or else: “Jo mei – wat weis ich?” 😉
I just threw on Steam from a whim….my one still gives MB/s. Except you can change it somewhere.
I, Bielefeld 1,5 MB/s (I white is sad)
have 150mbits down and 20mbits uoload ..on steam i net exactly
26 per second