welche masse hat eine 20m² große schaufensterscheibe aus 1,5cm dickem Glas? 2,5 g cm³?
Dies kommt in meiner arbeit dran und ich weiß nicht wie es geht /Mit geg:
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Hey ihr lieben, kann mir jmd bei folgender Aufgabe bitte helfen? Leider fehlt mir jeglicher Ansatz
To calculate the mass of a window pane, which is 20 m2 and consists of 1.5 cm thick glass, you can use the density of the glass (in this case 2.5 g/cm3) and the dimensions of the pane.
The mass of the disc can be calculated as follows:
Mass = density * volume
To calculate the volume of the disk, you must first calculate the area of the disk. The area of a disc can be calculated as follows:
Area = length * width
In this case, the area of the disk is 20 m2. Since the disc is 1.5 cm thick, its volume is:
Volume = surface area * thickness
= 20 m2 * 0.015 m
= 0,3 m3
The mass of the disk can now be calculated as follows:
Mass = density * volume
= 2,5 g/cm3 * 0,3 m3
= 0,75 kg
The mass of the window pane is thus 0.75 kg.
there has happened a mistake with the units, cm3 and m3 don’t cut off directly!
not 0.75 kg but 0.75 t or 750 kg is the result
because of the specified density in g/cm3, I would convert the 20 square meters into square centimeters
then calculate a volume of the (very flat) quad and the rest is simple
See if you can specify mass in grams or kilograms
These are 2 000 cm x 100 cm x 1.5 cm x 2.5 g/cm3
By 1000, you have kilos.
That’s not true.
My computer comes to 750 kg.
My head calculator too.
Geg.: You’ve always written what’s been given.
Ges: Mass m
Sole: The area and the thickness are given. The product from both results in the volume (mixing) Before, however, convert the 20m2 into cm2.
And then multiply the calculated volume with the density, you already have the weight.
You see that when you look at the units:
cm2 = cm3
g/cm3 * cm3 = g
The volume is calculated from the given dimensions…
…and then mutates this with the given density.
First, calculate the volume and then the mass by weight.
You don’t even need a calculator.
Where the 100 come from I don’t understand