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Breakfast! A nice and relaxing breakfast is important to me. So on holiday I never book hotel without breakfast ^^ If I have to look for a breakfast place, then I would ^^
Lunch is also important, but I can eat flexibly.
In the evening I leave partly, depending on when lunch was, or when it was too hot or when I was at sport or otherwise. If I’m not hungry, it’ll fall away.
Whatever there is and how much time I have, all three. Conscious and quiet cooking and eating is important, unfortunately this is not always going.
Since we are fully employed, the week does not give breakfast or lunch, but only dinner (warm) .
We also enjoy that because we have time.
I like lunch. Then I’ll always cook something delicious.
Lg pancakes
Every bit cozy and most beautiful of course to two
Heyy 😊
I prefer breakfast and I’m going to have breakfast too. I know a little late but no matter.
LG Zitro 🍋
I fast lasting 16/8
The first meal of the day is lunch, which serves exclusively for targeted nutrient supply.
Only the dinner at about 19 o’clock is then my enjoyment dinner, but I also care about it, which consists of useful ingredients.
Depends on what there is and how hungry I am.
With me, dinner bread is my favorite meal.
I’ve got the most time to conjure me something really delicious.
All three are mandatory for me .
Lunch: Strong, firm, spicy, good.
Evening Like The Fragrant… xD
Evening, how it smells
Strong, firm, spicy, good.
Pomerania from beech smoke
natural spices and
you also taste
Pomerania from beech smoke
Fresh on the table,
that’s the custom.
Lunch and dinner.
In the morning and at noon, I’m just pushing in a bit because my body asks for it and my headaches, nausea threatens to circulatory failure.
If I’d just eat if I’d like it, I guess it’d be 1 meal a day. Evening when the day is done.
Lunch – today I make spinach with potatoes
lunch in restaurant
Döner in the morning is always good.
Evening as we eat warm
Strangely never hungry
But if then more evenings
Early and evening. We never eat lunch.