Welche M.2 2TB SSD bietet das beste Preis/Leistungsverhältnis zur Zeit?
Gefragt ist der SSD Name und beste Preis von heute für eine M.2 SSD mit 2TB
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Gefragt ist der SSD Name und beste Preis von heute für eine M.2 SSD mit 2TB
Danke für eure fachmännische Expertise!
Ich installiere mir gerade ein Update für ein spiel und ich muss 800mb downloaden aber es werden 40gb installiert? Was ist das denn bitte für eine krasse Komprimierungstechnik… oder wie geht das?
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Hi brauche ihn für was wichtiges aber trau mich nich. Hab selber keinen. Habt ihr Ideen wie ich fragen soll. In der Schule
Hallo Leute, Folgendes Problem: Ich habe Bilder von meinem USB auf meinem PC gespielt. Ich musste für 15min weg und lies den USB stecken. Als ich wieder kam war der PC in Standby. Als ich wieder gestartet habe, wird der USB zwar erkannt hatt aber eine andere Bezeichnung und keinen Zugriff mehr. Zeigt nur mehr…
Würde die M.2 SSD auf mein Mainboard passen, habe zurzeit nur ne stinknormale SATA (EMTEC X150 480GB) drauf. Danke im vorraus
Clearly the Mushkin Vortex,https://geizhals.de/mushkin-vortex-2tb-mknssdvt2tb-d8-a2789416.html?hloc=at&hloc=de
or https://geizhals.de/lexar-nm690-2tb-lnm790x002t-rnn-a2956595.html?hloc=at&hloc=de
can not be both and take into account capacity, please
Take a look more closely
Both have 2 TB…
As a führtner, the Mushkin is enough for 64€, the 3 seconds more waiting make me nichs
2TB Mushkin TEMPEST PCIe Gen3 x4 SSD – Data and Price Comparison (hardwareschotte.de)
It’s okay the KC3000 is that
Otherwise take hold ne NM710 from Lwexar but the price difference is so low
Yeah, there’s one of Kingston who can read and write it, but did you see the price? It’s kind of great, but what do I need them for?
Well, the SSD is tested and reaches 7400 mb/S
Your detailed knowledge in honor, respect! but bottom line counts capacity, which is actually read and written in MB/S and a priori the price. No one wants to know if the controller 7000MB/S. If net 300MB/S gets out, half the rate is enough and you don’t need any cooling.
Of course you’re right, but the blue band always gets only one ship if you know what I mean 😊
? Both SSDs are now different ettwas, SLC vs DDR Cache etc. from so both are good
But don’t cost the same, 1Zonk for you😊😡
I assume that your motherboard is connected with PCIe 4.0 x4, is actually standard today. Here are my criteria.
So I picked out some SSDs and compared them. The overall winner is the TeamGroup MP44 2TB, M.2
For the price of just 95€, this offers 7.4GB/s in reading and 7GB/s in writing. Moreover, the TBW stands particularly high at 2.5PB, which is a very good value.
Of course, the cache is also SLC and the some drawback that is not specified in the 3D-NAND as much layers it has, but it will also be the tripple layer layer, especially if you look at the values.
Yes, but 95€ for 2TB? 2 Zonk 😡 Name and best price for 2TB no
Anything else. One should consider what remains of the great transmission rates while reading and writing from the SSD memory. Is that so fascinating?
So now would spontaneously say the Lexar ssd get 1TB for 36€
Can remember that I could buy a 250 GB SSD for the price, then the M.2 had not been so cheap yet.
The specifications were M.2, 2TB and the best price, 3x Zonk 😡
Well for a 2 TB m.2 over 100€ is a normal price. It is also cheaper, but for this you have to cut in the reading and writing performance. In addition, the fast m.2 with 2 TB very warm become almost hot. .The less write and read performance will be less warm/hot.
It only gives one that meets all requirements and can write and read with 7000MB/S, but that doesn’t have to be a bad oven. would say about 3000 read is okay.