welche lüfter soll ich mir am besten hollen?
hi ich würde gerne wissen welche die besten und das ist mir wichtig die schönsten sind budget ist erstmal egal brauche drei normale und 1 reverse lüfter hätte erst an lian li gedacht habt ihr noch andere vorschläge
The Phanteks D30 are very powerful and in my opinion they look really good. Instead of a fan blade illuminating from the inside, the fan blade is irradiated from the frame, which produces a special optics. They are also available as reverse editor. However, you need to note that these fans are 30mm, instead of 25mm deep as usual, therefore safety-wise look that this is not a problem.
ah ok thank you I will look at this thank you:>
Sure. I just corrected: I meant D30, not T30. T30 is without RGB.
What do you mean?
from the blade normal and reverse
What for? I’ve never heard or read about “reverse”. The flow direction is indicated on the fans and it is built so that they convey the air in the right direction.
This is what I’m doing. I just wrote that I don’t like it. Nothing was written by “bad”.
And with T30 I meant D30.
I don’t necessarily need RGB (don’t have my current PC), but there are many people who want to “customize” their PC. And as I always try to give people the best recommendation for them, I try to keep track of both RGB and non-RGB hardware. Just because something shines, it doesn’t have to be bad.
For the latest of several manufacturers, there are fans that have a reverse fan blade, so you can always mount the fans so that you can see the (better looking) front. The Phanteks T30, for example, have real good performance, are available as reverse edition and have RGB. They are more powerful than many non-RGB fans.
what else can you recommend without rgb?
Sorry, I’m out at RGB-Kram, I don’t like that. So I haven’t dealt with it yet.
yes I have said reverse because I have seen this at lian li you can recommend me any ?
Wait, sorry, had overlooked the most beautiful. So you want to have colorful RGB sounds, I guess.