What services does the health insurance company offer?

I've been twitching my eyes a lot lately, even when I'm nervous.

I work eight hours a day in front of a screen and need glasses for my new eyes. According to my optician, I have 120% vision, so it's not a visual impairment.

But so much time in front of the screen makes my eyes very tired. I'm insured with HKK.

I would like to receive screen/computer glasses.

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1 year ago

With 120% vision in the distance, nothing is said about how good your vision is near.
How old are you?
From 40 you have to expect that the so-called age vision is noticeable, that means you have problems nearby.
In my opinion, it’s more likely that you’re doing a lot too few strokes per minute. Normal would be 20-25, in front of the monitor most people do only a maximum of 5-10. With each stroke, the eye is cleaned and cooled, this happens too rarely, the eyes become tired.

You can’t expect a grant from your health insurance fund, otherwise it looks like your employer. Under certain conditions, he can grant you at least one grant for a screen work glasses. Just look at the INternet.

My advice, make sure you’re right on the monitor and don’t make any eyebrows, you can change it yourself.
Then I would recommend a visit to an optics shop to make a visual test.


1 year ago

If you don’t have a low vision, you don’t need any screen glasses. make more pause from the calculator and just look for a few minutes elsewhere