Welche Leinwand ist das und woher bekomme ich sie?
Huhu, ich suche solch eine Leinwand (unten abgebildet) die einen leichten beigen Ton hat und die Farbe gut aufsaugt und keine andere Optik nach dem Trocknen verursacht . Habe im Internet gesucht aber die Leinwände sehen nie so aus wie auf dem Bild. Kennt sich wer aus oder hat schon Erfahrung ?
this is stinky middle cotton fabric as a paint plate.
on the second picture, it is just being subdued. on the first image is painted on the after-grounded, dried screen. the dame uses quite good brush, but has no idea how to really deal with the color. the bubbles are from the bad mixing of the color.
that makes everyone different, everyone has their own recipe.
I also don’t like cheap industrially grounded walls because they take the color the brilliance. I therefore almost always follow my own recipe because I don’t like it when the color in the malgrund fucks.
Two. Photo:
is either: thin!!! with, most pretreated wall inner white or with liquid spouts.
Water draws into tissue, which makes the canvas structure still easy to see.
Cotton that sucks. The more natural is cotton. White has always been bleached.
neither. both media make the color mess.
Then mix the acrylic color with spruce pips from the construction market if the colors contain so much water.
Then it covers better.
cotton fabric canvas