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Water. Coffee makes me tired, is not the power drink for me.
Very strong black tea with sugar…. Works like coffee
A delicious smoothie, with everything you like..^^
Apples make even more awake and fit for the day as coffee and are true power boosters.
Interesting, I didn’t know that, but if I get apples down in the morning? 🤔
It’s just something to get used.
Try guarana capsules. I can recommend you very much. Do not work as fast as coffee or energy, but make much longer. And you don’t irritate your stomach, you don’t need sugar.
When it comes to energy during the day, that is the right choice for me personally.
What is not scientifically sound, but there are good reports about it, is Maca. This also exists as capsules, but is more intended for regular intake.
apples, nuts, meat (mager), vegetables, fruit, water, tea, chili, mustard, peppers, eggs
with me personally redbull or monster for example in general energy 😛
Wake will definitely make me an ice-cold soda lemon in the morning.