welche Langzeitfolgen durch Tavor?

ich habe mal eine Frage und ich hoffe, dass mir einer das beantworten kann, der eventuell schon Erfahrung damit gemacht hat. Welche Langzeitfolgen kann Tavor Sucht mit sich führen?

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6 months ago

I myself have no dependency, but in the psychiatry enough fellow patients experience it.

The need for Tavor is increasing. To feel an effect, you need to take more and more. And at some point Tavor will trigger what you take it – rest, fear, panic. So it doesn’t help anymore, but strengthens the actual symptoms. In addition, the organs are damaged.

Apart from this, one is more susceptible to further dependencies. If the “search center” is created in the brain, it remains. The chance to develop further dependencies is thus given.

A tavorent train is also not pleasant.

6 months ago
Reply to  Buenojustus

I’ve read your previous questions. You know for a long time that you are dependent and your tolerance limit is shifting. And this leads to the worst long-term effect: the death of brain cells.

You already had deprivations? Make another one.

If dependency is known to you, who writes that to you?

6 months ago

Well, then. I don’t like to accompany anyone in his addiction behavior. I’m out of the subject.

6 months ago

Then a search consultancy agency would be the right point of contact now.

6 months ago


“As long ago, researchers have identified another possible risk that could be associated with a longer intake of benzodiazepines: losses in brain performance”

As an example.

6 months ago

There’s nothing about organ damage now? I don’t want to bother you or something, alcohol damages organ but not benzos. the main problem is the search paired with extremely unpleasant, long withdrawal symptoms (which can be foolish even in cold withdrawal). And brain cells don’t die either. Please tell me how you’re in organ damage? Which organ is damaged?

6 months ago

Benzos do not damage the organs. They’re not toxic to the organs.

6 months ago

Tavor usually prescribes for short-term income.

Because there is a risk of addiction for longer use.

I think I’m in the package.