Welche Lampen verwenden wir?

2009 wurden doch Glühlampen verboten. Aber was ist dann das was an meiner Decke hängt was eindeutig eine Glühbirnenform hat? Wir verwenden doch nicht ausschließlich LED oder doch? Irgendwie checke ich das nicht. Sorry wenn ich gerade komplett aufm Schlauch stehe.

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2 years ago

There are also LEDs that look like incandescent lamps. In addition, it is not forbidden to use it. There are still many incandescent lamps, halogen and energy saving lamps in use. Only the sale was prohibited.

2 years ago

LED lamps are quite ubiquitous now, and their shape often does not differ from those of light bulbs. In most cases, however, plastic instead of glass, and predominantly cloudy, which makes it difficult to recognize a missing incandescent wire.

However, there are also some LEDs that try to imitate the incandescent wire, but usually as effect lamps, less than useful lamps.

Just tap against the pear, in the switched-off state – it feels like glass, it can be good that it is still a light bulb – but these are also significantly hotter in operation, another criterion to distinguish between them.

2 years ago
  • Form can be anything. You can also have LED bulbs
  • The Technology in it. Lightingbulbs, glow rods, glow tubes etc. should be sold more, but are still in use. Rule of thumb: If you can touch the burning thing, it’s not an incandescent lamp, because they’d be pretty.
2 years ago

For reasons of tradition and aesthetics, partly also for practical reasons, the shape of the bulbs is still often pear-shaped. However, they are either LEDs or fluorescent tubes, sometimes also halogen lamps.

2 years ago

You can’t say that without being able to evaluate it. The pear shape is/was used for various lighting techniques.

This could be: bulb, energy saving lamp or LED lamp.

2 years ago

You confuse design with technology, an LED with E27 socket is optically oriented towards an E27 bulb.

2 years ago

Most modern LED lamps look almost the same as incandescent lamps.

https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/LED filament

2 years ago

The glitter has never been banned only the sale and who has used too much money that I have installed everywhere LED

2 years ago
Reply to  nobodyathome

Just before the ban on sale, I confess that I still got a 100 pack of 60W matte.

Energy-saving lamps and LED light are a very stupid marketing gag when you look more closely at the energy balance of a household.

In the cold season, it doesn’t matter if I convert 60W into heat via a light bulb and thus heat the apartment.

Sure, the 60W will be on the electricity bill.

But: at the same time, my room becomes warmer and the room thermostat automatically turns the heating down and the supplied heat accordingly, so that in return my additional cost billing is reduced. As a result, it is precisely the same and in the accounts it does not represent any cost or energy savings at all.

The advantage of the bulb is, however,: I have light with high quality of color resistance instead of this pale energy saving light. And the flattering of LEDs doesn’t last any human.

In summer the artificial light is mostly out. So it doesn’t matter.

2 years ago
Reply to  easylife2

Heating with electricity is waste within the meaning of 2. Main set of thermodynamics. Heat, which could be directly heated, is converted into electricity in the power plant with an efficiency of less than 60%, in order then to end up as heat again. This is not an argument for incandescent lamps but for lack of information. The really stupid marketing gag in this sense were night storage heaters.

2 years ago
Reply to  easylife2

I have light with high color resistance quality instead of this pale energy saving light. And the flattering of LEDs doesn’t last any human.

(Truthable) flickering, however, occurs only with cheap LEDs or a wrong ballast and the possibility of different (and partially changeable from 2700K to 6000K) color temperatures again creates a completely different room climate.

2 years ago

Because energy saving lamps have the same form of former bulbs.

1 year ago
Reply to  BtsSkyline

It’s amazing how honest you can be, especially with your own intelligence.
However, on the basis of the missing signs (comma) I was able to recognize that I have to do it here either with a very young specimen or with a rather remote…

2 years ago

Talk to your parents. It can be that the light bulbs have faded and then, of course, have some.