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2 years ago

I would also advise you on Bitcoin and recommend the block trainer as an information source. I always say that the crypto market with the exception of Bitcoin is like a huge candy store. If you wanted to try everything, you will be bad (you lose money).
With all the other coins besides bitcoin you may be able to make temporary gains but in the long term only bitcoin will be relevant and especially as a beginner, bitcoin is the safer choice.

2 years ago

There is actually only one real cryptocurrency and this is Bitcoin, the others are more like non-listed shares, because there is behind it a company, project or organization that decides how to develop network XY in the future.

It’s just the question whether you want to be safe that you only get at bitcoin, or whether you just want to choke, because all the other cryptos are better suited to choking, but in the long term, not a single one of them will be as big, valuable and significant for humanity as Bitcoin.

2 years ago

A trusted channel dealing with BTC.

Understanding BTC needs a little time. In short, his opinion is that you should only invest in BTC and leave other coins outside.

2 years ago

BTC only 👍🏼