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Payback Amex is free and there are still 0.5% cashback as payback points
Only Amex is not as common as VISA/MC
Very good was also the Amazon Visa card, also with cashback
Now the LBB Berlin offers a new map for the Amazon customers, but with strange conditions, you have to calculate exactly whether it is worth it. If you apply for this, you can continue using the Amazon card until March. Then you always have to get active and deposit money manually, otherwise it slips into the credit with high interest. I’m gonna quit.
New I now have the Barclays card, free, amount will be posted on request as this belongs. And there is no foreign payment fee, which is 2% for Amex. So very interesting when you’re out of the Eurozone. However, there are only mini credit frames for new customers, so you have to deposit money in advance if you plan bigger spending or a longer holiday.
At Barclays we have also experienced that it was the only card that worked in France at ALL SB petrol stations. A real annoyance in the neighboring country, if there are almost only SB petrol stations and the foreigners then drive from gas station to gas station, or appeal to French whether they pay with their tickets against Bares.
Thank you very much.
Can’t answer your requirements without further details. Do you want a free credit card or are you ready to pay monthly or annually? Are you expecting insurance? What else is your willingness to any fees?
As a provider of free of charge VISA credit card is often called three providers and recommended:
Without insurance and free.
Then I called you three options in my answer. All three offer you a VISA credit card with no basic fees, offer free payment and cash withdrawal worldwide. However, it is important for everyone that you always pay back your purchases directly to 100%, otherwise high interest rates are incurred. All three cards offer, as far as I know, automatic compensation by direct debit.
I have chosen the Norwegian, since Barclays probably has a somewhat more aggressive blocking algorithm abroad and the Hanseatic’s framework is to be comparatively small and difficult to increase.
It is probably more difficult for the Norwegian to be accepted, and there is also a travel and travel cancellation insurance.
Thank you very much.
Depends on what’s important to you:
A traveller has e.g. other requirements than someone who only searches a cheap card for online orders.
If you advise what you want to use the card mainly, you can recommend a suitable offer.
Online purchases
I have my account with the Ing, the VISA card is there for free and I also have a stock deposit there.
It’s not a credit card, but a debit card. The ING does not offer iirc a real credit card, since you should choose another provider
I’ve been at Barclays for years, absolutely free when you pay back in time. cards/visa credit card/
There’s no best. Conditions that best fit me can be completely uninteresting for you or vice versa.
Worldwide, Visa is the best card that is most accepted
Visa cards are offered by countless different banks at very different conditions – some of them are cheap, others are not.