Welche Kreditkarte für Amerikaurlaub?
Hallo an alle!
Ich fliege ab den 12.11.22 nach Texas für leider nur zwei Wochen. In Amerika ist es undenkbar keine Kreditkarte zu besitzen und leider habe ich keine.
Hat jemand Erfahrung und Ahnung? Hätte mir jetzt eine American Express zugelegt. Eventuell sogar die Goldcard.. Gibt es eventuell noch andere Alternativen?
Viele Grüße!
I’ve had the Barclay Platinum Double for years, but I’m not worth it if you only need it for 2 weeks.
A free alternative would be the Barclays Visa.
https://www.barclays.de/credit cards/visa credit card/
Amex does not bring you any benefits, Goldcard is meaningless for the 2 weeks.
Make sure that you can withdraw money for free and do not charge fees for use abroad (like Barclays Visa).
All right, thanks. I think it’s gonna be a Barclays Visa.
I advise eurocard, with mastercard has the greatest spread.
Eurocard hasn’t been around for 20 years.
I’ve got a visa that goes everywhere! Goldcard is clearly oversized.
The Barclays, the Hanseatic Genial Card or the Santander 1plus of the terms are best for free (all three of VISA). Adds many videos on YouTube…
First of all, I would just ask your house bank if you got a card.
The whole thing makes sense when the EC cards are abolished from the coming summer.
I’d just get the cheapest Visa or Mastercard. Alternatively, ask the house bank whether they have a good offer.
When I was over there, I only had a Visa card. It was enough.