Welche Kleidung tragt ihr wenn ihr mit eurem Motorrad zu einem Termin fahrt (Kombi, Protektorenjacke,..)?
Hey, ich möchte in Zukunft mit meiner 125er zur Schule fahren bzw auch zu anderen Dingen wie zu Freunden usw. In der Schule zbs ist es halt etwas schwierig wegen der Lederkombi…deswegen wollte ich mal fragen wie ihr das macht wenn ihr zu etwas fahrt wo ihr euch nicht so direkt umziehen könnt. Reicht eine Protektoren Jacke unter er normalen?
Danke für eure Antworten:)
Leather Combi is not just everyday when I’m on my way, I always have a few street cuffs in my backpack, you have to watch if you have a zip or can move around somewhere.
I ran around with the leather pants and the mopped jacket. Without driving protective clothing, you can’t really recommend skin transplantation, etc… good would also be an extra back protector, which protects the spinal column somewhat.
If you’re on suede: Yes, otherwise: No.
I drive with leather-texti-combi or in leather-column (rare).
Motorcycle jeans (reinforced, tear-resistant fabric and knee protectors) are more suitable everyday than a combination and a kind of compromise.
Hello, I went to training 3 years a day with the motorcycle. Always with full protective clothing. Under the leather comb, I pulled another jogging suit that sucks the sweat. I had my normal clothes in my backpack and moved on the toilet. For the winter, I had a leather combination bigger. I had a ski suit under there. If it was colder, it was a thermosuit and a rainy combi. I was often smiled when I arrived with my Montur and tormented me out of my many layers of clothes. But I did not frozen at minus 15 degrees on my 65 km. I recommend you attract too much than too little. You’ll get used to the others’ eyes. In rain, I still pulled plastilt bags over boots and gloves and fastened with adhesive tape. Storm hood, hood and shell complete the equipment.
Topcase, suitcases, clothes. Or pull it under.
Well, you didn’t give it to an athlete.
Wrong mopped bought. Better next time.
Or am I hiding?
Yes, but if you answer me that I should have bought a bottle of Mopped, it is irrelevant that I am not the questioner 🙂
Only that you are not the questioner, are you?
It’s up to me. In my eyes no mistake, come with the unexistent pockets etc. well clear.
Sports != Sporttourer.
Every one, ne Sporttourer I find perfectly okay
Why? He’s right
You’ve probably tipped yourself.