Welche Karrieren sind am lukrativsten?
Was sind die Karrieren wo man am meisten verdienen kann? Welche Karrieren sollte man besser vermeiden?
Sollte man nur die höchstbezahlten Karrieren anstreben?
Was sind die Karrieren wo man am meisten verdienen kann? Welche Karrieren sollte man besser vermeiden?
Sollte man nur die höchstbezahlten Karrieren anstreben?
Kann ich mich mit dem Fachmann für kaufmännische betriebsführung auf kaufmännische Stellen bewerben?
Oder fragt Decathlon da erstmal nach, ob ich noch eins will? Da mir ein Neoprenanzug in falscher Größe geliefert wurde, habe ich mein Neoprenanzug wieder zurück geschickt. Außerdem hätte es mir so oder so nicht gepasst, nicht mal eine Größe größer würde mir passen. Daher habe ich ein Männermodell bestellt in XL, da mir Männer…
Was sind Sachen, die man macht als anlagenmechaniker? Also als Stichpunkte für berichtsheft.
Hallo ich habe mir ebend eine gebrauchte wuchtmaschine angelegt.. nur versteh ich nicht ganz wie die funktionert.. hab zum Beispiel erstmal alu 1 gewählt dann felgenbreite eingegeben dann durchmesser in zoll und dann an der außenkante mit dem arm gemessen.. nun wenn ich dann drehe will das Gerät zumbeispiel beim ausfahren des messarmes komplett alles…
Mal in Gegensatz zu den sonstigen Fragen eine die mich wirklich ernsthaft befasst. Also man muss über mich wissen , ich bin ein Koch , der 2 burn out therapien mit 26 hinter sich hat , aber sehr gutebarbeitszeugnisse aber auf arbeit oft schnell aufsteigt und Gehaltserhöhung bekommt . Und sich deswegen mehr erlauben kann…
Blöde frage😂 Mich hat jemand auf insta angeschrieben der es mag abgezogen zu werden. Jetzt möchte er mir sein paypal geben damit ich damit einkaufen kann. Ich habe extra gefragt ob ich kaufen darf was ich will und er meinte ja. Wenn ich mir jetzt einfach paar tausend auf mein konto schicke er es aber…
…no, you should strive for the most enjoyable and what you can do without stomach pain. A job that doesn’t make any joy makes you quick, despite good pay…and lasting. The many money does not make joy when you become unhappy and depressed. Better earn less and enjoy the job. What does not mean that you can’t have fun in well-doped jobs… please don’t understand that wrong!
Did you ever be poor?
No, I wasn’t! Even if I could not always afford everything I would have liked. Because I always had my way out and always liked my job. Do not underestimate the time spent by a job. These are a few hours a day…. over many years. So you should do what you like to do. That’s so easy!
what should be fun working on someone else?
…you can live from civil money….you could also do it from a badly paid job. But if this badly paid job is the fulfillment and it doesn’t get better, I’ll leave. You’ll have to work out a high-paid top job and don’t get it because of your nice smile. But this nice smile will drop you easily if you enjoy doing this job…
Oh, but there are things that can’t live.
Well, the “Höchstpaid” careers that are also really planable are usually any banks or advice.
I think that is not desirable for many
Of course, it’s nice if you can earn a lot. However, you must also like the job. What do you do if you deserve much, but you don’t like the job at all? You have to work for many years.
Yeah, but it doesn’t make me do something you like and then be poor. Two extremes.
…if you are happy with what you do, you are not poor! You have your experience and the joy of your activity. Money does not make happy and also does not compensate for the frustration that a job is preparing to have no joy.
Then you’d rather want a job that doesn’t hurt you, but a lot of money? You don’t have to be poor if you have a job that’s not so high paid.
Because it’s sooooo great to give his life to the chef?
…you don’t have to worry about getting paid jobs! They don’t exist for you. No employer is looking for people who hate their job! Why? You’d be sick with every cross-seated furrow, multi-working if necessary is not feasible with you and your boss might be happy if you give 50 %. So you don’t get a job, and you don’t have the chance to really get up. Will be a sad life for you!
No work that can make you happy? You’re very poor.
There is no such work
Then look for work that is fun for you. I wasn’t a top earner, but I deserved enough to live with my family.
Don’t you get that really fun with no work?
…there are some things between “citizens” and top earning. And if you enjoy the top manager’s job, it’s okay to be one. It’s about not tormenting yourself in any job, because it’s lucrative. Then a few euros less and fun at work. Only then, not in general.
OK then I want citizens (new word for hard)?
So according to this logic, you can rest on citizen money
No, absolutely not.
“What are the careers where you can earn most? What careers should you avoid?”
This bites the jobs where you deserve most are those who want to make the least.
You’re gonna get rich when you take off their money for others, so I’m sorry.
also jobs that do not want to make but badly paid
Wow, double incentive
Says the one who asks.
what a nonsense
Then learn to love yourself and then look further
there is no call I really love.
Not long, except you’re emotionless.
can you succeed even if you hate him?
What does that have to do with it?
So I’ll never succeed?
How can I know?
Why don’t I suffer?
Since where most of the money is to be taken for the least invest.
You have to know.