Welche Kamera wenn man mit dem Fotografieren anfangen will?
Ich würde gerne Mal zu fotografieren anfangen. Hat jemand einen Tipp welche Kamera ich kaufen soll?
Danke im voraus
Ich würde gerne Mal zu fotografieren anfangen. Hat jemand einen Tipp welche Kamera ich kaufen soll?
Danke im voraus
Wie kann ich Apps auf diese Liste tun ? All meine Apps haben kein Zugriff auf Kameras und ich kann es auch nicht erlauben…
hab für meinen Bruder go pro Zubehör gekauft, hat die Kamera unten was angebaut dass man das mit den Halterungen verbinden kann? Oder wie geht das? (Hero 13)
Hey Leute, ich besitze eine Canon prima Zoom f70 von meinen Eltern und möchte diese wieder in Betrieb nehmen. Problem ist das ich nicht genau weiß welchen Film ich brauch und ob es diesen noch zu kaufen gibt. Könnte mir da jemand bitte weiterhelfen? Danke im Voraus.
Wo findet man solche Bilder?
Ist es möglich, einen Negativfilm nicht vollständig zu belichten, ihn aber von der Kamera rauszunehmen (z.B um einen anderen film reinzulegen) und ihn dann wieder einspulen? Klar würden dann teilweise Doppelbelichtungen entstehen, da man den film ja belichten muss um transportieren zu können, würde das aber funktionieren?
Hallo Ich wollte mal fragen wann eine Kamera alt ist also ab welchen Jahr zum Beispiel, wollte mir eine Kamera holen die aus 2018 kommt und wir haben jetzt 2023 ist diese Kamera zu alt? MfG
first let you know what your requirements are and what areas you want to photograph, because the lens is also of decisive importance. As in general, I can recommend the Sony a6000 with Kit optics; that camera is not too expensive (you get kit optics for under 500€). After you try, you can also buy a better lens that meets your requirements.
VG Hdhdidb
I can only join SirKermit,
a camera doesn’t make you a better photographer, just like a piano doesn’t make you a better pianist. Use your smartphone for the first time. If you want to have more camera feelings, you can do this:
https://www.amazon.de/ULANZI-Smartphone Removable Remote Control Adjustable/dp/B0BYMYWVRT
But first of all, it’s important that you answer the subject of image composition and manual settings and teach you the exposure triangle. Then maybe RAW photography and editing RAW files. If you’re fit in the subjects, I’d think of a better camera. Because if you can do the things, you don’t have to change to a camera anymore.
but such a piano helps to be able to overhaup games. without piano just clashing with the fingers in the air makes no sounds!
The same way it is helpful even first have a camera to be able to make pictures!
That’s why someone who wants to start with the question of which camera makes sense at all. Is a legitimate question and it is also absolutely wise to inform oneself beforehand!
What is nasty but so absolutely No Means to answer with such a bullshit that doesn’t help the questioner!
Today have approx. 99% of all young people generally have a smartphone that offers a better camera than various compact cameras 10-20 years ago. The only thing here no sense gives your finger drawn Nothat you should clash in the air without sound. Because the FS already has a keyboard to practice it. 💁🏻
Now, first of all, you should think about what you want, what needs you have and, above all, how much money you want to spend.
I suppose you’re all smart enough to know that the crawling with a smartphone is completely different from taking pictures with a real camera and just want a camera because you want something better than what a phone offers you! Of course, there are some “small” advice from the cheap corner that you’ve already got here…
You basically have the choice between 3 different ways
basically you have certain advantages and disadvantages in all three…
Whether with or without a mirror, you have the possibility to screw different lenses to the camera and thus also to determine how the camera captures the images. As a starter, you’ll probably be best served here if you first buy the “Standard Kit-Objective” with you, which is just great for most normal things as a beginner. If you want to start by looking at how this develops and don’t want to spend so much money then you can buy a DSLR (i.e. with mirror) and then if necessary, and if you know better how that works with the photographing everything and also know what you need a new lens or even a new camera you can “upgrade” and then you have the advantage for example. As far as the manufacturer is concerned, you might just go to a store and try out what’s best for you personally. Of course, the cameras also differ in operation. Images make them all, usually also relatively similar…
If a manufacturer is sympathetic, you can just look around the used market and keep in mind that the camera doesn’t have too many triggers yet. And the best thing is to buy from the dealer, even if it is perhaps a bit more expensive than private, but then you also have warranty and a return right, so you can then also test the camera for 2 weeks and if it doesn’t return
Likewise, the camera should not be too old, especially with cameras without mirror, this makes a big difference because of the display, with cameras with mirrors you can also go back a few years longer and save a few euros
The third option would last compact cameras.
Here you have the advantage that you can get them relatvi cheap (some good models are also quite expensive) and that they are relatively small and compact, that is simple to take along, but also some drawbacks, on the one hand (and above all) you cannot change the lens with the cameras. It’s solid. There are cameras with small sensors and those with larger sensors, for pictures with unsharp backgrounds you need a larger sensor. There are also cameras with zoom lens and also those with fixed focal length where you can’t zoom anywhere.
Personally, I think a compact camera is the worst option and just a bit better than a smartphone, but for the sake of completeness you should also mention this possibility. Since there are so many different models with different sensors and lenses in the compact cameras, it doesn’t make the selection easy and you should already know what the cameras are and what you have to look for to get the right one. So my advice goes quite clearly away from such cameras…
This is not the most important point, because even with a smartphone good images can be made in terms of image composition. Only most of them use full automation and are pampered with an elaborate software.
Those who then switch to a camera will formally beat the many additional needs such as reworking or lens selection. Due to the expectation of “better images” the disappointment is almost pre-programmed.
The technique will help you with a good photo, but it doesn’t make one, that’s the job of the one who will act on the trigger.
Since there is no camera for beginners, as there is no pan for beginners, the camera does not play a significant role for what it is important. No camera will help you with the image composition, no.
From https://www.pixolum.com/blog/fotografie/imagecomposition
You can do all this with the simplest smartphone. If you have gained some experience then you know what areas are interesting for you. From then on, you should be able to choose a camera and the most important part that lens.
Someone who travels a lot and mainly runs street photography needs a light camera, if you want to photograph fast action close to the skin, it will probably be a telephoto lens along with a body with a fast autofocus.
So, do not head around the camera during this phase, apply light and image composition and rework on the PC.