Welche Kamera und welches Objektiv?


Ich habe echt da keine Ahnung von Kameras oder Objektiven aber da ich viel Reise will ich endlich mal schöne Fotos machen. Das wichtigste für mich persönlich sind aber Portraitaufnahmen. Mein Budjet für kamera und objektiv wäre insgesamt 2000€. Was ist das beste was ich für diesen Preis bekommen würde? Hoffe könnt mir helfen 😊 liebe grüße

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2 years ago


as small as possible travel set with portrait optics

Fuji X T30 with XF 16-80/4 and XF 50/2 (close portraits)

Olympus E M5III with Zuiko Pro 12-100/4 IS and Zuiko 45/1.8 (semi-near portraits) is currently in the OM Shop “Black Friday Kit” (up to 29.11) with Cashback Action ; E-M5 III with 12-100/4 IS 1200€ plus Zuiko 45/1.8 (300€), plus Zuiko 60/2.8 Macro or Zuiko 17/1.8 (each for 400€). Plus OM Leather Strap with OM Leather Messenger Bag “Gross”(36x24x14cm with tray compartment) with 60% discount of 40€ plus BLS50 battery for 1€ as a new customer.

The 12-100/4 IS is that “travel zoom” and with Dual IS that you don’t need a tripod even for High Resolution Pixelshift images.

2 years ago
Reply to  Coshi64


“Nahe” portraits to arm length make smartphones, so you don’t need/purchase system cameras anymore or that only professionals with system cameras can do more than AI smartphones.

“Portraits” usually take place in the range of 1.5 meters (half close) to 3 meters or at 6 to 9 meters if you want to use the compression and insulation for the motif.

At a distance

  • 50cm > 60 Image angle gives by 28mm focal length small image cross the image field 40x60cm
  • 75cm > 45° Image angle gives focal length by 45mm small image cross the image field 40x60cm (also known as NORMALBRENNWEITE for stand image). Around 65-75cm is usually the arm length of adults at Slefies
  • 100cm > 34° Image angle gives by 60mm focal length small image cross the image field 40x60cm (“Normal focal length” in cinema film)
  • 150cm > 23° Image angle gives 90mm focal length for small picture cross image field 40x60cm
  • 200cm > 17° Image angle gives 120mm focal length small picture cross image field 40x60cm
  • 300cm > 12° Image angle gives 180mm focal length small picture cross image field 40x60cm
  • 400cm > 9° Image angle gives 240m focal length small image cross the image field 40x60cm
  • 600cm > 5.5° Image angle gives 360 focal length small image cross image field 40x60cm

The “Sweet Spot” for portrait is in the range from 35° to 10° Horizonal or in small image from about 60 to 200mm with the focus of 75-150mm. There have been telezooms of 70 to 150 or 200mm for 60 years. Bzw for fixed focal lengths are 75mm, 85, 100 and 135mm for 70 years the small image standards. For APS C, this would be from 40 to 135mm and at mFT of 30-100mm.

Portrait photography is a craft first, one must understand how people “see” or what the brain perceives as unconscious information and portraits must not be “sharf” otherwise that images for “dermatologist congresses”. Portrait is mostly about a “Beautyshoot”. At the beauty shoot only the area around the eyes is sharp/high resolution already the nose tip should be something soft. Since 2012, the top class DSLM system cameras have been doing quite well in automatic mode. As a decision-making aid, you must specify which eye should become sharp or whether both should be sharp.

Fore eye sharp then the nose tip becomes sharp, the ears are sharp

Back eye sharp then the nose tip becomes sharp, the ears sharp

Both eyes are sharply blinded to the point of the nose and the ears are sharp.

mFT top-class cameras after 2015 can focusbraketing and you can then put the sharpness in the postproze exactly where you want to have it. Canon DSLR of the professional class (5DIV upwards) after 2016 can store 2 focus zones with Dual Pixel Raw and you can still move the focus point in the post process and you can modify the Bokeh partiel. That is not as powerful as mFT focus fields that store up to 80 focus points (for Olympus OM, M1DII/III/x and M5DIII, this goes with IS optics without tripod)

Portrait photography has principles/rules but it is often necessary to leave rules to the left or to work consciously against it in order to bring “art” to the craftsmanship, otherwise this will quickly become “passimages”. For good/saleable portrait images, there are simple recipes (tricks) that you get explained in the first year of teaching and have to implement yourself. The “camera” is usually absolutely no matter what the optics are important

“BESTE” image quality is a question of the Knipser who always want the BESTE. Photographing is like cooking. You can buy the best cooker, the best pots the best ingredients and the best cookbook in the end someone has to create what edible or at the expense a 3 star menu has to come out and no McDoanalds. For 10 years, smartphone manufacturers have been working on portrait automation and from 2015, their “Trefferate” has always been better despite the mistakes of the Knipser and in a few years, the Knipser will only use smartphones because everything goes at the touch of a button and “wipe” of the monitor. With “normal cameras” you have to have and work Know How. Probably, in a few years the camera manufacturers will have to buy the software when they need to buy smart phones in order to be able to sell even cameras in large numbers.

The XF 16-80 OIS has been extra video optimized (if not as consistent as the new XF 18-120 PZ, but Fuji also builds Cine Zooms). But as long as you look at the pictures only on monitors, you cannot translate the possible qualities of the cameras/optics.

Olympus has better video image quality due to the small sensor and also allows faster swivels or zoom rides. In addition, IS and Inkamerastabi even smoothly iron Run&Gun in video. At the T30 you have to buy an active gimball.

The crisp point is both camera systems have advantages and disadvantages and both systems are aimed at professionals who want full image control, but can also use Knipser who want to have everything in full automatic system.

2 years ago

If it does not necessarily have to be with alternance, however, the LUMIX DC-LX100M2 would possibly be a candidate.

If larger sensor and alternating lenses are desired, the Nikon Z30 comes into question


2 years ago

Now I could write you an answer with 1000 words because the answer is very complex.

Think you want to photograph digitally…

Do you want to crawl people, buildings or landscapes? Do you want a fixed focal length or a selection of lenses? In your place, I would invest some time in the photo shop, not media market or something, which will help you further and can help you with expertise.

Good success 😉

2 years ago

I want to take beautiful pictures

It’s the man behind the camera, not the camera. I’ll take my photos with a camera over 10 years old. Mostly, the automatic system is also deactivated.

2 years ago
Reply to  NaIchHalt09

My camera is even 12 years old 😁 quasi an inheritance. Unfortunately, I never really could use that thing. Now I take a course and dare to say that I take the best photos of our group. Although the other have all new cameras in the worth of several thousand euros

2 years ago

I want to take beautiful pictures

I’m sorry to disappoint you, but if you don’t make it with a phone, get some nice photos, it doesn’t work with a camera. If you don’t get it on an electronic keyboard, playing a melody doesn’t suddenly work better if you get a rich piano from Steinway. It might sound better, but you’re missing the exercise first.

That’s the same with the camera. You can get a new camera and clear, the photos may have a minimally better quality, but they won’t be good.

And to answer your question, I would start with far cheaper cameras first. Get a used EOS 70D or 750D, you get for 250-350€ at MTB.

2 years ago
Reply to  Uneternal

Regardless of your tips, with such a budget and the requirement “many travel” a compact camera could also be considered.

But, as you said quite correctly,

, but if you don’t make it with a phone, get nice photos, it doesn’t work with a camera.

In general, I find it a pity that only “good picture” is connected with a lot of technology.

2 years ago
Reply to  Coshi64

Yes Concrete is on “Other“. That is probably not you did the pictures but someone else and it is probably not even the same motive.

2 years ago
Reply to  Coshi64

Then just take a picture with a camera and see how convinced you are….

2 years ago

Apparently, you didn’t understand much about my answer. Eat okay. Here you buy this camera, which will make you really doll photos:
Sony Alpha 7 III black with lens FE 28-70mm 3.5-5.6 OSS from € 1845,90 (2022) | Price Comparison Geizhals Germany

But don’t complain if the photos don’t get so stupid.

2 years ago

I’d recommend a camera where you can always change it objectively. I have a camera of canon and I am super satisfied with it. I would recommend you to go to a camera store. Because you will be well advised and you can try out all the cameras and see if they are well in your hand.