Welche Kamera oder Einstellung?

Hallo ihr lieben, ich fotografiere nur Hobby mäßig mit einer ganz einfachen Kamera und bin jetzt auf der Suche nach einer etwas hochwertigen wenn möglich nur bis 800€ für den Einstieg. Ich selber fotografiere gerne in der Natur Sonnenauf/ Untergang oder einfach gerne beim reisen.

Da ich mit Kameras noch nicht so viel Erfahrung habe wollte ich fragen ob es für den Preis welche gibt die ihr mir empfehlen könnt?
Außerdem ob ihr mir vielleicht ein paar einstellungs Tipps geben könnt wie oben genannt bei Sonnenauf oder Untergängen oder allgemein wenn man im Dunkeln fotografieren möchte 🙂

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1 year ago

Actually, you just have to agree on a brand product, Nikon, Canon, Sony, ua, so you can build on it.
Mirrorless cameras are a product for the future.

I have been taking pictures for many years nicon and am more than satisfied.

Look at this report, I think that’s something for you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y58cyvQRDHs

1 year ago

Hello Emi2017729,

as a more high-quality but still not quite professional camera I can give you the Canon PowerShot X recommend.
Mim Price also comes under the 800€.

There you can also get up at the “Rad” when you get on SCN go, choose different modes, sometimes also one for recordings in the dark.


1 year ago


  • for sunlight/lowering, the sensor must have a high dynamic but also a soft “rolloff” when overexposure
  • for sunflower and night photography should have the optics as little as possible lenses and good remuneration
  • for sunrises and sunsets it is necessary to consider whether one wants to have aperture stars and in what form

So I would now guess from the belly to a used Sony NEX6 with SEL 10-18/4 OSS because;

  • the optics is quite flare resistant, if necessary solar stars generate at 10mm and aperture 22 completely up to the corners as “wing wheel”
  • the sensor does not clip or burn out immediately after cyan and/or purple when overexposed with ISO 100 and/or shows banding. This will only come after a few seconds when the sensor becomes completely hot when the sun is high. If you don’t want to hide/can you need an ND filter. However, the NEX6 does not dazzle in the “view mode” because otherwise the autofocus is always working worse.

So, billing

  • Sony NEX 6 Used from 100€
  • Sony SEL 10-18/4 OSS Used from 300€
  • Sigma DN 30/2.8 Used from 75€
  • Sigma DN 60/2.8 Used from 75€
  • Travel Tripod used from 25€
  • NPFW50 rebuilding 25€
  • Filter holder Cokin P Traveller Kit with CPL, degree ND4 Soft, ND8, adapter ring 62mm, step up ring from 46 to 62mm New from 75€
1 year ago

… good and very good cameras are available. Best would you let yourself

in a good photo shop. For 800 € you will receive

a good to very good product. I would advise you

Media market, or Saturn.