Welche Kamera könnt ihr mir empfehlen?

Hallo zusammen,

ich bin auf der Suche nach einer geeigneten Kamera. Hauptsächlich möchte ich sie nutzen, um Menschen und auch Tiere von Nahem ( < 2 m) zu fotografieren. Allerdings kann es auch vorkommen, dass ich etwas weiter wegstehe und die Tiere nur von Weitem sehe, sodass ein guter Zoom auch nicht verkehrt wäre.

Preislich möchte ich ca. 800 Euro nicht übersteigen. (Theoretisch lieber sogar die 600 Euro nicht.)

Vielen Dank schon mal vorab für eure Empfehlungen! 🙂

Liebe Grüße

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3 years ago

For your requirements, you can use any camera of the last 10 years and it doesn’t have to be a new camera.

Take different models from different manufacturers in your hand and check which is best in your hand.

Nikon, Canon, Pentax offer plenty of choice.

Pentax: https://www.backmarket.de/reflex-pentax-k-5-black-objective-pentax-18-55-mm-used/308001.html#l=10

Canon: https://www.backmarket.de/reflex-canon-eos-600d-noir-canon-ef-s-18-55mm-f35-56-is-stm-used/499492.html?

Nikon: https://www.foto-wolf-dresden.de/used goods/Nikon-used goods/Nikon-D3500-Kit-18-55—used-.html

3 years ago
Reply to  Bruce1994

Yeah, that’s not a real leather.

3 years ago
Reply to  habakuk63

Thanks for the award and you enjoy the hobby.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bruce1994

The 600D accepts SDXC cards up to 128GB, you should take the camera to buy cards and try the card before buying.

Saturn doesn’t do this with us, so I’m buying with Expert, there’s no problem.

3 years ago

In your place, I would grab a used camera, a simple model is enough, and instead of zooming a used macro to it. You can zoom at sufficient resolution (16-24 megapixels) afterwards on the computer, because even for displaying on a 4-K monitor, you already have 4 megapixels, more you can’t represent! For this, you have much more light intensity during the recording and a much better image quality afterwards.

Which brand, that is Canon, Nikon, Sony, Pentax, comes to the offer – the lens is more important than the camera!

3 years ago


the “Zoom” thus the focal length depends largely on the optics thus on the objective. However, if you do not want to buy the matching lenses, I recommend buying a Brid camera. This has a very large focal length range, but the quality is not the best.

VG Hdhdidb

3 years ago

In your case, the body doesn’t play too much more of the lens. As a body would be a used Canon 600D right good that you get cheap and there is still money left for an objective and accessory.

3 years ago

Panasonic Lumix DC-TZ91 or a compact camera from the Lumix FZ series e.g. https://www.idealo.de/preisvergleich/OffersOfProduct/6400324_-lumix-dmc-fz300-panasonic.html