Welche Kamera ist besser für Hobbyfotografie geeignet?

Hallo ihr Lieben,

ich überlege schon lange mir eine Kamera zuzulegen. Laut meiner Recherche ist eine gute Kamera für Anfänger die Canon EOS 2000d Spiegelreflex Kamera.

Mein Mann meinte vorhin, dass die Sony Cybershot dsc-rx100 iii auch gut ist. Allerdings ist das ja eine Digitalkamera.

Ich habe vor Porträts, Lovestory, Newborn und Family zu fotografieren.

Ich bin der Meinung mit der Canon werden die Bilder professioneller, was meint ihr?

Bitte bleibt lieb, ich möchte das wirklich nur aus Spaß für mich selbst machen.

Liebe Grüße

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1 year ago


So the truth is Knipser can in principle give all the cameras in the world into the hands that always produce the “same” images. “Profis” create professional images relatively no matter what camera there was the first exhibition of smartphone images (Nokia N8) in gallery quality on C-Print partly on B4 world format.

The RX100 is in principle as large as a soap piece and can also slide similarly flush with sweaty fingers, so most of them stick to Sony’s rubber handle. The RX100 III makes all Canon DSLR with EFS 18-55 Kit Zoom “Platt” and the camera’s sensor is high ISO more suitable than the old Canon sensors with the stepping technique of 1998. RX100III and 2000D with 18-55 IS DC Kit Zoom are currently price equal.

http://www.chip.de/test/Sony-Cyber-shot-DSC-RX100-III Digital Camera Test_139905009.html

So if it is absolutely necessary to be a Canon DSLR with the focus on Portrait/Newborn and you want to spend 500€, then you buy yourself a “right” DSLR

  • Canon EOS 6D used from 350€
  • Canon EF 28-105/3.5-4.5 USM II used from 50€
  • Canon EF 50/1.8 STM used from 75€
  • Canon Speedlite EX220 used from 25€

Speedlite is equipped with a light shaper, because you need maximum as a flash. The important part in the Speedlite is the IR rangefinder so that the camera autofocus is also “seated” in the party cellar with candlelight in secuden fractions and does not have to pump around. Because IR “deferencing knife” does not have the EX90. The EX270 has long charging times and after 90 seconds goes into “low sleep mode”

1 year ago

According to my research, a good camera for beginners is the Canon EOS 2000d Reflective Camera.

I don’t know where you’re always researching where the 2000D is praised. This is the lowest gamble model of Canon, where everything was really saved. The Xiaomi Redmi cell phone under the cameras.

It makes much more sense to look around used cameras like the EOS 70D or 750D. They are older, but wide higher and therefore better equipped. You get them even cheaper and with a 1 year warranty on MPB.

Used Canon EOS 70D | MPB

Used Canon EOS 750D | MPB

I have to photograph portraits, Lovestory, Newborn and Family.

For this, the Sony is nothing, which is rather a premium holiday camera.

I agree with the Canon the pictures become more professional, what do you think?

The camera doesn’t make the pictures, with a professional camera you can still totally kick into the fat cup if you don’t know what you’re doing. Wrong settings and the images are nix.

1 year ago
Reply to  Uneternal

I don’t know where you always research where the 2000D is praised

A source I can offer you the computer image https://www.computerbild.de/artikel/avf-Test-Digital Cameras-Canon-EOS-2000D-Test-Examples

More resolution for newbies: Thanks to the 24-megapixel sensor, the Canon EOS 2000D shows detailed images that look really good even large. The small Canon is very easy to use and responsive – good for snapshots. In series, however, it does not remove trees: Three pictures per second are too little for sports photographers. Video is not a strength of the EOS 2000D – it only takes up in Full HD (1920×1080 pixels).

Also I occasionally get such hints on this “tolle” camera on my tablet in the news.

1 year ago

That’s pure taste. Just like car brands. I changed from Canon to Sony 4 years ago and regret no single second. The only thing better at canon is this “robustness”. With my Sonys, I’m very sensitive. As far as price/performance is concerned, Sony is best.

The best way to take pictures at MediaMarkt or in another store and then decide. Each camera is also in different hands. Let yourself be advised. That’s what I think for you the best 😉

Lg and a lot of success and fun to photograph

1 year ago

I recently bought the Nikon Z50. I’m very happy with it. It’s still so handy that you drag them with you too!

1 year ago

Is the question whether this is worthwhile if you just want to do hobby moderately what – the better smartphones can almost everything you need

Go to FB in handyfoto groups and look at what is possible

1 year ago

If you are a beginner for photographing, the EOS is a lot of good. You will make a better choice with an automatic

1 year ago
Reply to  Ranturex

Anyone who could handle a SLR at analog times will not be a beginner.