Welche Jobs starten früh und enden mittags ohne Abi?
Guten Nachmittag,
mich würde interessieren, welche Berufe typischerweise früh morgens, also zwischen 4 und 6 Uhr, beginnen und ungefähr zwischen 10 und 13 Uhr enden. Idealerweise sollten es Jobs sein, für die kein Abitur erforderlich ist.
Vielen Dank im Voraus für die Antwort!
layer work could potentially fall into the (or a similar) time window, e.g. at the gas station
Cleaning services sometimes work at exciting times as they are often cleaned outside normal opening times. But then they could be on the AG/customer.
For example, in the garbage collection or as a baker.
Restaurant – or Hotelfachmann/Frau
Then you could apply for breakfast service. I worked half-day to 12:00 for years and had the afternoon for the kids. Of course, also weekends and holidays but for this you have free under the week.
Baker, confectioner, outpatient care (shift service)
almost all jobs