Welche Jobs kann ich machen?
Ich suche einen Job. Allerding habe ich starke Probleme mit Menschen zu reden, daher fallen Berufe wie Kassiererin, Krankenpflegerin und so weg. Da ich “nur” einen Hauptschulabschluss habe, kann ich auch nicht so viel machen.
Ich möchte zwar übernächstes Schuljahr (2023/2024) die Mittlere Reife (Realschulabschluss) machen, aber meine Eltern sagen ich soll bis dahin einen Job machen.
Habt ihr Jobvorschläge, die ich machen kann?
You will learn that it is something else, whether you talk to someone from your own drive (and fear has to be put in the ensembles) or let simple sentences out as a voice tube of a task. But that’s not important.
Why don’t you start teaching as a rooftop or let you learn as a tailor in the wood trade… between chipboard snippets and saw blade need You don’t lose a superfluous word – but you must be.
You don’t have to talk as a cashier.
I have to. I have to call the amount and ask questions like “Save loyalty points?” or “Do you have a payback card?” and if the customers have questions I have to answer.
No, you don’t have to ask your boss.
As if you have to talk a lot as a cashier ^^^ you can work as a production worker, you have to talk to niemades only stand on the conveyor
With most jobs in production, you don’t have to talk big.