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MeckPom has a lot of exceptionally beautiful cities, but my favorite is Schwerin
Yes, Schwerin is really a dream! 😍
What are your places 2 to 5?
Schwerin, with a big distance.
I love Schwerin too! 😍
And then there are some other neighborhoods.
There I was also, anyway, find that somehow interesting 😅
I have to go. 🙂
I was there now! 😍
How beautiful! Did you like it?
Of course, the marketplace, the castle park and especially the port are really beautiful! Too bad the castle no longer stands:(
In Ludwigslust I was also on Friday 1st. Mal, also very beautiful 👍🏻
But Schwerin still remains my favorite.
Hopefully Wismar, Waren and Rostock will be there for the night.
Röbel a.d.Müritz woll,dat weissen but ifse from m coal pot to
What does Röbel have to do with the Ruhr area?
Most of the Ruhr area are still envious to the stalls, not all but most of the merci