Welche iPhones sind am besten?
Ich will mir demnächst ein neues Handy holen, ich hab aber gehört das zb das iPhone 15 genau so sein soll wie das 14er. Und ich denke das, dass 16er was bald kommt, auch nicht so einen großen Unterschied zum 15er macht. Habt ihr Empfehlungen?
If you can wait until September, take a 16. Then you have the most up-to-date device and get all the features of iOS 18.
Do you already have other Apple devices or do you intend to put others to you? Otherwise I would not recommend an iPhone. But you already recognized it well: in the last models there are hardly any differences that would be relevant to most end users.
If it must be an iPhone, look at refurbished devices. Often you get the new equipment for good prices and without scratches or the like.
Have an iPhone yes
It was more about Apple Watch, Mac (Book), AirPods.. a transition to Android is easier than it is suggested.
Yeah, but only AirPods
Then you’re not in the Apple ecosystem yet. Make sure you want to buy Apple products for smart watches, laptops and more in the long term. Once you’re in the Apple ecosystem, it’ll be harder to change.
No buying a cheap does it just as well and the money what remains in bitcoin
Having experience with cheap phones, is Nix for me, Apple has been the best so far
Then buy an old model that does
Cheap devices are always stupid. For Android, there are also good devices that cost but of course more.
I didn’t think of it
Or refurbished.