Welche Hochzeitstraditionen/Bräuche gibt es alles (Kultur)?

Heii 🙂 mir werden in letzter zeit Hochzeitvideos mit traditionen gezeigt und ich finde das thema interessant, wollte daher fragen, was ihr für traditionen habt 🙂 erwähnt gerne auch in welchem land das tradition ist und wofür es gedacht ist (Glück, symbol etc)

Danke im voraus :3

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2 years ago

In this country (Bavaria/Franken) you can see more often chalk tracks on the streets. These are pulled by the friends of the bridegroom from his house to the house of the ex girlfriend.

After the wedding, you can also see that guests have white pigeons rising. Let peace be in marriage.

At almost all the weddings I photographed, the bridal bouquet was thrown by the bride into a waiting crowd (unmarried) women. So the one who caught the thing was “determined” as the next bride. At my own wedding we dispensed with the fact that all women present were already married.

2 years ago

Bride bouquets (who will catch him next to expect old couple with a gown and broom etc. disguised), tree trunk saw, pest cut, carry over the threshold, sorrows “shape” apartment/hotel room of the bridal couple funny around (fresh-holding film under toilet lid, chickpeas under bed sheets, bedroom full balloons etc.), speech cars

2 years ago
Reply to  EVLisa

I was really fond of mourning