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and Graz.
Thanks for the star 🙂
My first trip as a teenager with my parents led to Salzburg (1963:-) ) It was inhabited in Freilassing, then a short train ride. He followed many visits to concerts, to “Prince” (the only true Mozart balls!) and again and again to the horses:
But Graz and Innsbruck I like very much.
The Salzburg Old Town, the Fortress and Mirabell Castle are architecturally impressive.
Linz has some interesting modern buildings, such as the Ars Electronica Center, the Lentos Art Museum and the new Danube Bridge.
The most beautiful Austrian city for me at a great distance.
Where is Vienna? I mean the old town of Vienna should not be underestimated… and for new build fans there are also some beautiful houses.
The question title is “except Vienna” 🙂
Aso 😂😂😂😂 ups
Eisenstadt. There the Hungarian influence is already visible and perceptible.
I don’t think it’s nice
The two who voted for “Linz” are probably not quite dense or have never been there 😉
I always like Graz very well. “With one leg almost in the south.”
Salzburg is simply beautiful
I like Salzburg best
Because of the cake.
and the old town or architecture?
I’m more at Graz.
Salzburg, through which I was already pushed in the stroller; also because of his house mountains, Monk Mountainthe Capuchin mountain and Gaisberg
(July 1963in Natura and
in the form of Salzburger Nockerln (they should represent them).
and its proximity to the Salzkammergut, which yesterday evening also in Beautiful! on the WDR theme.
And Innsbruck.
I know the city only from the passage and was already very amazed at the beautiful houses.