What options are available to me in the following situation?
I'm very committed to improving my situation as an unemployed person. I recently learned that the Federal Employment Agency would cover the costs of further training. I've now found a suitable training program offered in cooperation with the Federal Employment Agency. In a detailed email, I explained to my caseworker why I want to complete this training and requested a training voucher.
Despite my three messages in the past four weeks, I have not received a response to date. My calls to the hotline have also not resolved the situation. Although I was promised a call back each time, I never received one. Even during my personal visits to the employment agency, I was unable to find her, as she is only available for scheduled appointments, and my request apparently does not warrant an appointment.
Since the training starts at the beginning of October, I'm running out of time.
Where: You wrote the specialist directly, I would send the email to the area again. She may be ill or on holiday. Then, of course, she can’t answer. This could take care of a representation.
I would, without explaining or justifying my request, simply contact the Agency for Work (Hotline etc.) and make a personal appointment with her binding. It does not determine whether a concern is important. They can’t deny you an appointment.
So I would always go personal
If you have overlooked my previous comments: I’ve been going on several times personally, but unfortunately my specialist was never on site. They told me she’s only coming if she has an appointment, and otherwise she’s working at home office. Apparently, my concern is not important enough for an appointment. I should just write to them, although I have done it several times without getting an answer.
That’s right. Why are you going if you don’t have an appointment? How incompetent are you?
Write a letter.
Education certificates are issued only in the case of discretion.
Why is it necessary to keep writing a letter when my specialist’s e-mail address is available to me and I can also reach it via the portal?
Are you somehow incompetence?
Because she obviously doesn’t answer you
Letters are the best communication option in terms of communication with authorities.
By the way, I called again the hotline of the Federal Employment Agency and described my situation. They apologized and said that they should have answered me. You know better than you. I also received the e-mail address of the supervisor and sent a message to him, placing my specialist in CC.
Because emails are not legally binding, you should optimize your expectations.
I didn’t recommend writing a letter without reason.
I’m out.
Of course, I do not expect the Federal Agency for Labour to rest on all other matters in order to devote itself exclusively to my case. Nevertheless, I can expect an e-mail to be answered within a period of four weeks.
There are not “my” authorities, but many things here are actually still old-fashioned.
It’s not bad for a long time.
And with all due respect, just because you suddenly take part in any educational measure, you do not leave everything at the Employment Agency and lie.
How old-fashioned are your authorities? Germany: yes
so stupid it sounds like taking a lawyer. write the last mail with the reminder period which will not be initiated until XXXXX legal proceedings.
because you’re unemployed, you don’t have to pay them.
Thank you. But who, in my situation, takes over the costs of legal assistance?
No one. You pay for it yourself
You can apply for such a bill at the court.
It doesn’t fit as an answer. A German course would be good for you first.
Thank you for your feedback!
The cost will always be you
I don’t think you’re so-called in this case. I’ll get advice.
Since there is no legal problem.
Thank you very much! Probably at the local court, right?
If you’re measurable in your learned profession, it’s a priority.
what you like is and remains your private thing.
I’ve been unemployed for over eight months, which is why this thought came up. Even if my request is not approved, my specialist could still reply to my email and inform me about it.
No. She doesn’t have to. You have to go personally
Yeah, that could / should he.
That’s why you can complain to his superior.
It seems you don’t want to understand. Wishful day
Did you read my comment carefully? I was personally on site and asked for an appointment. However, I was told that my concern does not require an appointment. It is sufficient if I describe my request by e-mail and then wait for an answer.
Eben.. You have to go to an appointment personally.
If you have overlooked my previous comments: I’ve been going on several times personally, but unfortunately my specialist was never on site. They told me she’s only coming if she has an appointment, and otherwise she’s working at home office. Apparently, my concern is not important enough for an appointment. I should just write to them, although I have done it several times without getting an answer.
It seems to me an excellent idea. Thank you very much for that!