Welche gute günstige Kamera für Fotos und Videos?

Mit günstig meine ich irgend was um 500€(neu oder gebraucht) rum. Habe zurzeit eine ein paar Jahre alte Canon SX270 HS, welche um Welten besser als meine Handy Kamera ist, aber ansonsten kein Vergleich zu anderen. Könnt ihr vielleicht eine empfehlen, die besser ist, gute Videos und Bilder von Menschen in Bewegung macht? Kennen mich leider nicht wirklich mit Kameras aus^^

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2 years ago

You can also move people with the current camera. If you can’t do that, you do something wrong and that won’t solve a new camera.

2 years ago

The Sony A600 is very good for the price and also has good LowLight properties

2 years ago


the Lumix FZ1000 (as an eager wool milk sow) is currently available for 550€

If you can’t create good videos of people in motion with an SX 270 HS in daylight, is the question is you making sports report video?

2 years ago
Reply to  MinaaaMinaaa


“not so good” on the smartphone, on the 24″ monitor, on the 50″ TV or as 20×30 expression on the wall? This camera class has been optimized for 10x15cm photo prints and has reserves for 13x18cm, up to 20x30cm prints on the camera and on the printer. This camera has been built in shape for 15 years and has always the same image quality there is only increase in zoom and because megapixels

In photography, “not so good” at Knipsern is normal, which changes either by buying up in large formats (mFT up) and/or by training/work.

The Crux is the video image quality is better/liquid in small formats than in large formats where the Rolling Shutter makes the edges “refrench” so you make video reporting with small sensors where Global Shutter is still inexpensive to implement. The point of intersection for video hybrids is zZ at 1″ to 1.5″ sensor size.

At 1″ 20x30cm prints are usually not a problem and 20×30 cm with some know-how feasible even 30×45 is usually good enough to implement.

Now just consider how often do you print images in what size and what kind of printer? Have you ever ordered a gallery quality/C print at a picture service or a Citylight Poster? This is the image quality the professionals need to deliver to this extend 12 MP sensors or optics to dissolve the 12 MP.

The question is you need a lot of wide angle, you need a lot of tele, it must fit into the pocket and is video important? If it doesn’t have to be new;

  • Canon EOS 6D used from 375€
  • Canon EF 24-85/3.5-4.5 USM used from 75€
  • Canon EF 70-210/3.5-4.5 USM used from 50€
  • Speedlite EX 220 used from 10€

After that, the theme of image quality is finished up to 30x45cm prints and unsharp motif parts, it is not the camera technique but the type behind the camera.

But video of the 6D, of moving motifs is difficult even for professionals

2 years ago

Almost every camera from the last 8 years makes good images and videos of people moving. Question is stop, what exactly is the purpose of use and what results do you expect?

If you want to make pictures like a professional sports photographer and that in bad lighting conditions, 500€ does not really suffice.