Welche günstige Action Cam für Unterwasser?
Ich fahre übernächste Woche in den Urlaub und suche eine günstige Action Cam die mit einer GoPro mithalten kann, aber ich weiß nicht genau welche oder reicht es, wenn ich mir eine Wasserdichte Hülle für mein Iphone 13 kaufe?
I got here and I am absolutely satisfied with her, also in terms of underwater recordings.
Edit: Of course you can also get a waterproof case.
It is only necessary to make sure that the lens is well seated in the film and that no crackers arise or other.
I had good experiences with this one.
Can you keep them in color with a GoPro and from the resolution?
Yes, definitely. So I was off a coast of Spain, super pictures
Yeah, I meant. I did underwater recordings.
Underwater she was also good, that’s the main use?
All scrap and just for simplest documentary things you can also use mobile phones. There’s no extra money for garbage. If you want something neat, there’s nothing going on with a system camera. Underwater cover or Nikon also has a system camera that is already waterproof. Nikon 1AW1 or how it is.
She doesn’t have to be ultra good, but should make good and liquid videos with good contrast
It depends on what you want to film. If you want to film fish, an action cam is not suitable for this. Even the GoPro is not suitable for this. With an actioncam you can film people very well. The wide-angle lens is set in such a way that the human being is very close to the picture.
Small fish are shown much too tiny by this objective. You can’t be seen later on the screen. That’s why it doesn’t make sense for underwater shots where you just want to film fish to take an action cam. Your smartphone is much better suited.
What is a good watertight smartphone case (Iphone 13) I want fish and people and the city films.
You should look at Amazon’s reviews. I film myself with another technique.
You can build a bracket yourself. Look at YT for such videos. There are tutorials for everything. Sometimes a rubber is enough to fix it.
But unfortunately I can’t turn a smartphone to my dive goggles because it has such a mount
You don’t have to take a big risk now. Just choose a model that will tell you and then try it (of course without your phone) in the bathtub. Leave it in there for several hours and then see if water has penetrated. If there’s only one drop in it, you’ll send it back. But usually these housings are very good.
They have all the silly reviews
GoPro. No shell, too insecure.