Welche Grundrechte bzw. Freiheiten aus den USA vermisst ihr in Deutschland?

Bei mir sind das neben “free speech” und dem “right to bear arms” vor allem die Öffnungszeiten der Läden (24/7) und “free refill” von Getränken in Fastfood Restaurants.

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2 years ago

We have Free Speech here too. I don’t miss not being insulted by people. Right to bear arms I don’t miss. It’s also a freedom if you don’t hear about any mass shootings every week.

I’m with you at the opening times. In America it is also much easier to get to drinking water.

2 years ago

free speech

Why do you miss this in Germany? Here you can also say what you want. And if it’s so big bullshit.

right to bear arms

I’m happy that we don’t have such a shackle gun law here. Because where this is going in the USA, we see. I’m sick of what you can only find “toll”.

opening hours of shops (24/7)

I don’t know what you have for ideas about working in supermarkets and other retail stores, but I’m very strenuous about this work, both in terms of strength and nerve. Therefore, I am absolutely against shop openings around the clock as I really enjoy the workers there their evening.

But whoever stands on capitalism cannot understand this.

Lastly, I think “Free Refill” is unimportant. This is simply a service that you do not have to offer in the USA.

2 years ago

The freedom of speech guaranteed in the Constitution thus also exists in Germany, although not guaranteed by the Basic Law, there is something about freedom of expression.

The right to arm themselves is not desirable.

The opening times are governed by each state itself. And especially in the Bible Belt some shop opening times are more restrictive than regulated in Germany.

The “free refill” is nothing more than a marketing measure, they are not right.

2 years ago

No one.

“the right to bear arms”.

2 years ago

Oh, please, please, please, don’t ask US weapons laws in Europe, especially in Germany! I’ve always stopped the air when I see cops with gun or scarf on the street.

You know all the reports from the USA “have accidentally shot my son when the late night came home and I thought it was a burglar!” Now imagine, every depp, every drunk, every fucked-up, and every survivor could walk around with a gun or have them in the house. You wouldn’t be sure of your life anymore!

Free refill: Would be nice. Especially free tap water in restaurants in a big carafe with ice would be great. ABER: German restaurants also deserve drinks. American restaurants save on the salaries of the service staff. I’d like to go to some kind of food and don’t think that the waiter deserves a few euros if I don’t have enough tips on the price. You better pay for the drinks. By what, yes, I would wish that there would be cheap water in restaurants, especially with more salted or spiced dishes. I guess I won’t.

I am grateful that in Germany there are not these crazy and mM sexist dressings in schools. Although there are sometimes certain dress codes here (no jogging pants at school), but not to the extent as in the USA, where boys could be talked in, that they can no longer hold back when they see the keybone or knee of a girl. (Why can’t the boy be taught normal behavior instead?!)

Free Speech: Didn’t we just learn from the USA in recent years that what the law doesn’t regulate then just regulate the Cancel Culture or the online mob? Say something wrong or write online, and Tumblr or so bombards your boss with calls until he lets you go because he wants to continue working. I’d rather not.

I have to say that in the past I thought the USA could have many benefits, but in recent years I have heard more of the opposite: no health insurance for all, some need to live in full-time work in their car, no child allowance for all, training/training depends much more on the salary of parents than with us – where there is also a certain correlation, but I would have less fear in a poorer neighborhood Class 2 to 3 in almost all areas leave to school alone, without having to be afraid that due to lack of suitable footpaths and zebra stripes/ traffic lights/ pedestrian crossings they will have an accident. Class 3, this is usually taught to them at school.

No pupil has to do sports in autumn/ winter with wind and weather outside. (Okay, could also be a disadvantage, maybe we are too divisive, but I am grateful for it).

What I envy in the USA: there are orchestra programs and band programs at many schools, the instrument can be rented there mostly (for small money or free, I don’t know) and then gets more or less free music lessons for years. In Germany this is only the case with a few schools and often you have to buy the instrument privately. I know that there are no music schools in the USA where children and adults can get hobby lessons, but rather expensive private teachers or just the school programs and a “music school” is a conservatory there in my knowledge, i.e. a university or preparation for music studies.

Food: Fastfood often seems to be cheaper than fresh food. Weekly markets do not seem to be normal everywhere. Many additives in food, which probably do not have to be declared as strict as in D. What we mean by a bakery is not always available there. Fresh bread in the supermarket also not (where our “fresh” bread in the bakery department in the supermarket may also contain additives?). But something like grain bread or rye bread is not standard in the bakery.

Pro: There are milk etc. in very large packages, so who consumes a lot or has a larger family, can buy one or two packages a week and has less waste. The one who is rarely separated in my knowledge?

Pro: You can make holiday in your own country and get to know many different landscapes, cities, some cultures. In Germany, this is also, but much more limited. Especially for climate zones.

Con: Student Lovers. Uni is sometimes extremely expensive. If she’s cheap, she often has a less good reputation…

Con/ Pro: You can return everything in the supermarket and some other shops. I could buy a package of bread, eat half, return the rest? And then buy another one? So, if necessary, save half of my bread etc. monthly if I do this on several supermarkets? I don’t know the system.

Con: All these ways to sue someone for Peanuts (coffee too hot, fell on the stairs). Thus, override warnings etc.


One thing I found extremely strange, has nothing to do with fundamental rights, but recently there was a story about a woman named Betty Smith who found $50 at the supermarket and was harassed and attacked by the employees when she didn’t want to give it. Apart from the fact that the whole story seems strange and all those involved have somehow acted wrong or strange, countless comments shocked me to this story of people who thought they were $50 peanuts and for that kind of thing you don’t do a lift and then reports about how much money you had already found on the street or in the supermarket – there were sums between $80 and $500 – and they would have put in because “what lies on the ground is none”. I wouldn’t have expected that. It would be interesting if many Germans think so. I would have spent everything over 5€, maybe even 5€. Little money, so coins, I’d rather keep, so a 1€ piece I’d find somewhere. But just if you don’t have much money, like those concerned, I would have given $50, because that could be the last $50 a month from another poorer person or even a parent.

2 years ago

I actually “miss” the same as you, except for the right to carry a weapon. I believe that this should be further strengthened in Germany.

But I really miss nothing.

2 years ago


2 years ago

1. In Germany you can express your opinion freely. The GG even guarantees it.

Two. Load opening times should be regulated. I don’t want to have it 24 hours around the clock.

3. Free refill is not a right, it is a service. I really don’t think that’s important. Keeps children and adolescents from drinking too much sugar.

4. Not everyone should own or wear weapons.

2 years ago
Reply to  SirAndiusNr2

In Germany you can express your opinion freely. The GG even guarantees it.

This is correct, but has nothing to do with freedom of speech. Freedom of expression is not equal to freedom of speech.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kwalliteht

It is also guaranteed to be allowed to express its opinion freely. Look at the article.

2 years ago
Reply to  SirAndiusNr2

Well, it would be nice if some shops were open at night, especially in the city. For people who, for example, only come from work at 23 o’clock or later and rarely have access to the opening hours. But: That’s why the store shouldn’t have 24/7 open. One could, for example, retain a maximum opening span per day, the time frames of which could be set free. The one store would then be open from 6 am to 6 pm, the other from 2 pm to 2 pm, the next from 8 pm to 4 pm or so. Of course, it should be worthwhile for the shops. And, of course, some people would still have to work in shifts and for parents, some working hours would be extremely unfortunate.

But if Burger King is allowed to have open until 1:00, why shouldn’t that apply to the supermarket or maybe also to boutiques? One would have to test whether customers would accept whether sellers would work at these times, whether it is worth it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tasha

The shops open at 7:00. Who’s going to work from 7 am to 11 pm?

2 years ago

No, the freedom of speech in the United States is, regardless of freedom of expression (civil law) the prohibition for the state to append statements that are not expressly prohibited by criminal law (such as slander, call for crimes …). This part is covered by freedom of expression in Germany, and in the United States it is a self-contained right. Freedom of expression is a matter for the individual states. For example, in Oregon or California it is covered by freedom of expression to demonstrate naked. In Utah, on the other hand, it’s like an arousal of public trouble.

2 years ago

I had understood your comment as if one could have an opinion after the GG, but of being allowed to announce it, there was nothing in the GG.

2 years ago

Didn’t say anything else.

2 years ago

“The thoughts are free, no one can guess them.” You can tell them or not. You have that freedom.

2 years ago

What are you going to do? Who prevents you from expressing your opinion freely? Who forbids you to talk?

2 years ago

In the GG is something of Opinionfreedom, not from Speechfreedom.

2 years ago


2 years ago


I do not miss laws from a capitalist glare-democracy where every spinner runs around with a storm rifle and even children may possess semi-automatic weapons

With the Yankees, you can’t talk freely if you belong to a certain group of people.

Ps: New Mexico, California, Washington and Texas are Mexico