Welche Größe sollte ein 3 D Drucker haben?

Hallo Leute,

Ich wollte mir ein 3 D Drucker holen, weiß aber nicht, welche Druckgröße er haben sollte, meistens sind es um die 250*250*280 ist das eine gute Größe oder größer?

Danke für Antworten

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2 years ago

Yeah, that’s a useful size. As a rule, only small dinges are printed there a lot of time at larger prints. I have two printers with up to 330x330x400mm space. But in addition, a few murals with a height of just a few mm, I have not yet fully used the pressure chamber. I wanted to print the moonlight in one of those printers. But Cura then said it would take over two days. The lamp was not so important to me. :

But if you have some money left it makes sense to buy a bigger one.

My Sovol SV01 at the end cost me 300 euros with sensor. My Sovol SV03 with large pressure chamber costs approximately 400 euros. Basically, both are the same construction. But at Svo3, I already have the sensor and the Silent Board and a large pressure chamber. Even if I don’t need it, it’s good to have a lot of space in reserve.

PS: Interesting is the height of large printers. A vase has only a small diameter, but it can be printed significantly higher with a reasonable time.

2 years ago

to the field of application only

What do you want to print?

For an architect or engineer, it is too small

2 years ago


so-called 3D filament printers in certain circles of private consumerism as a kind of new “3D – toy” still like a certain “hypoy” as before as “we have not“, but otherwise I see such parts dusting again very quickly at about 90 to 95% of the Kiddies after a few months in some corner.

The name “Helmut” doesn’t seem to me at this Stellle right now common Child / or youth names, but therefore I would like you to and ask again personally and objectively, why do you really love with such a printer in the purchase, or what you hope to do?


2 years ago

Depends on what you want to print. Gives companies the prints whole rocket engines whose 3D printers are as big as my living room.