Welche Grafikkarte und Welche CPU?

Welche Grafikkarte würdet ihr mir empfehlen ich habe einen Uralten Pc zuhause mit dem ich lange zocke die Leistung ist unterschiedlich bei manchen spielen aber ich wollte letztes Jahr mir eine GeForce 3060ti holen aber danach habe ich es mir anders überlegt meine Aktuelle Grafikkarte ist eine AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series und meine CPU ist die AMD FX(tm) 8150 Eight. Welche Grafikkarte und welche CPU würdet ihr mir empfehlen oder müsste ich einen total neuen Pc kaufen.

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9 months ago


or would I have to buy a totally new Pc.

In the “basic substance”, this is the most sensible option. The system is hopelessly outdated. It’s not worth taking over.


9 months ago


In most cases, a new CPU comes along with a new motherboard and depending on how old the previous CPU is, even with new RAM.

In addition, the consumption of the components has increased massively over the past few years, so that you also usually need a new power supply. As a result of the increased waste heat, a better cooling solution is often also possible.

In other words, if you want to upgrade the CPU and GPU, you can actually create a new computer with the components directly.


9 months ago
Reply to  Andreas854

No! On the one hand, CPU + GPU are anyway the expensive upgrades, the rest will not make the fryer fat anymore.

On the other hand, a good 1080p computer does not cost the world. Even with hardware from the current generations, you will get a setup for 800€ that allows you to play on high settings. They can also be afforded for over 3-4 years.

But well, it’s just that if you haven’t invested in your hardware for the last 10 years. If you had spent 20-30€ each month in the last 3 years, you could now make a good setup without any problems.

If you don’t mind, you don’t have to complain when new things get a hole in the budget.

9 months ago

In principle, everything has to go out. The CPU is not really strong.

9 months ago
Reply to  Andreas854

Can be done, just that doesn’t bring much because even the most powerful CPU there is not really better for this base. It wouldn’t be worth it.