Welche Grafikkarte empfiehlst du mir?
Ich Habe mir in 2021 ein fertig pc gekauft bei Otto.de. Das hat mir 600€ gekostet (Preise waren früher sehr teuer). Jetzt läuft gefühlt gar kein Spiel mehr flüssig. Und jetzt will ich mir eine Grafikkarte kaufen aber ich bin nicht der Profi in sowas und habe Angst das wenn ich eine Grafikkarte kaufe nicht kompatibel ist mit meinen PC oder eher gesagt Mainboard. Kann mir jemand eine gute Grafikkarte empfehlen 100-350€ die mit meinen pc 100% kombatibel sind ?
Hier meine Pc-Daten:
- 2x8gb ram ballistix
- Ryzen 5 3400G with vega 11 Grafik
- Mainboard : ASRock A320M – HDV
- 500gb SSD
- 1Tb HDD
- Captivia Netzteil 230Vatt
- 4-Lüfter
Danke im Voraus
with this PC you will not be able to dismantle a halfway potent entry-level graphics card without the simultaneous exchange of the power supply.
A solid Sapphire Pulse Radeon RX 6600-8GB according to Geizhals would have received from about 215 euros, and also a power supply such as a BeQuiet Pure Power 11 – 400W non modular from about 55 euros.
If necessary, you would even have some money for a CPU upgrade to a Ryzen 5-5500 for about Euro on the existing motherboard as part of a total budget of about 360 to 370 Euro.
However, you would have to update the BIOS with your old CPU and the AGESA.
My condolences.
The prices for graphics cards were expensive, but your PC doesn’t have a graphics card that was just such a jerk.
Each graphics card produced in the last 15 years is compatible with your motherboard.
Graphic card + power supply, you also need to swap it.
Yes was really not a good decision to buy this pc. But my mainboard is honestly very small that is still not a problem because it is honestly small
My motherboard is smaller, the shape factor doesn’t change that your board has a PCIe connection.
In my answer, a matching graphics card + a new power supply is linked. Simply click, you can also buy them directly.
Okay top because thought if it’s too small that doesn’t fit but okay thanks you can recommend me some graphics cards? 100-300€ can I also buy them on eBay classifieds?
does not use much. It’s bad and not high-quality… but well
In order for games to run decently on the PC, a new processor must also produce a new graphics card. For a new graphics card you also need a stronger power supply.
With a beQuiet System Power 500 Watt power supply and an AMD RX 6600, you could still get away very cheaply.