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4 months ago

Hello (alias) , the best will never exist. depends on how much cash or You want to invest money for a GraKa?! Only expensive, expensive & overpriced!

Let’s look at these: GeForce RTX 4070 family graphics cards | NVIDIA or their main features in the images. There are 4 different models:

In this category, the graphics chip is: GeForce RTX 4070 Ti, the more powerful selection of all four! Here are the current daily prices: GeForce RTX 4070 Ti SUPER Geizhals Germany.

Until the days.

4 months ago

Depends on your preferences and your budget. If you play games with RayTracing and put a lot of value on it, then I would buy a Nvidia. If not, I would buy an AMD card.
There is also the Intel Arc.

4 months ago

I don’t know what a good GPU is for your purpose

Depends on the games, the resolution, the level of detail and then the built-in CPU

4 months ago

Better get a 7900xt.
This is both better and cheaper!