Welche GPU für Ryzen 5 7600?
Möchte mir demnächst einen PC zusammenbauen. Mein Budget liegt bei max. 700 Euro.
Das ist aktuell mein Plan: https://geizhals.de/wishlists/4205823
Allerdings weiß ich noch nicht welche Grafikkarte ich nehmen soll. Die Konfi von oben liegt bei 500 Euro d. h. 200 Euro für die GPU.
Welche GPU würdet ihr nehmen?
Würdet ihr sonst noch etwas verändern?
Der PC soll für flüssiges Zocken (vorallem Minecraft) gedacht sein.
Wäre auch bereit gebrauchte Teile bei Ebay (Kleinanzeigen) zu kaufen.
Please read it so that you can’t feel any repentance afterwards!
At this price point, it would be worth considering that an AM4 system would actually be set up.
Then for less money would be 32GB RAM as well as a reasonable B550 motherboard in it. The then installed Ryzen 5 5600 would be slower than the 7600 from the AM5 Kombi, but this plays a rather minor role, as you will not build any graphics card that will require more performance than the 5600.
AM5 is “safer” because in the course of time new CPUs will appear for what later upgrades are possible, but if safety is to be important, you will not get 16GB RAM, but 32 and not billo Office A620, but a reasonable B650 board. Otherwise you can leave it the same.
A good B550 board costs just as much as your A620 board; 32GB DDR4-RAM cost just as much your 16GB DDR5-RAM kit. But the Ryzen 5 5600 is just 100€(!) cheaper than the 7600. So your budget for the graphics card would be on 300€ increase and you can RX 6750 XT which always costs between 310 and 330€. With such a system you would have much more fun.
Because if you persist on AM5, there is only one RX 6600 for 200€, which is now really weak on the chest. The RX 6750 XT is massively faster and has 12GB video storage. And you only have 16GB of RAM, which is already at the lower end today and you will never be able to benefit from the extra power of Ryzen 5 7600.
Therefore: either AM4 or you keep saving. A reasonable substructure will cost more at AM5 and then the graphics card will cost more than 700€ overall.
Don’t be at the wrong end. A good PC now costs money. 700€ isn’t much, but if you put it right, you can still get a lot.
Then I’ll probably do that. If you want a b580 or b570 from Intel as a graphics card? If their prices calm down again in January, the b580 was actually announced for 250 euros, I could get them and put the money in a better monitor. My plan has been a 144Hz monitor with 24″ to date. Size is good enough for me, it would take a 165Hz monitor.
If there was anything used, maybe an RTX 3060, which will go to ebay at 220 euros. Would take an R5 7500F instead of dés R5 7600, then it fits inexpensively and the performance is enough.
The FS probably took the 7600 because of the boxed cooler, because it has no extra Cpu cooler in the list.
Oh, yeah, sorry, the 7500F is just a tray.
I just wanted to write.
Can’t happen. At least Sunday evening ^^
then there is also a ryzen 5 7500f and then I will take good single ramstick instead of 2 bad and then you can retrofit a second ramstick after a few months when you have the money. as a mainboard I would take a B chipset for security reasons but I do not know myself with the latest differences. as a graphic card you probably only have the rx6600 for 200€ or used a gtx 1660 super for approx. 100€ or you will get a rtx 2060 for hunni. for minecraft you don’t need much power
a RX 6600 fits in on the budget. Alternatively, a used RX 6700(XT).
Thank you.
Intel B580 has more performance than the two examples and costs less than both I believe
I think I’ll wait until Christmas. Then, hopefully, prices should fall again.
Now you get an Intel B580 for a good 320 Euro. So far beyond the FS budget
I would like to look at the whole new map of Intel (B580) (believe UVP 250€)
It costs a bit more but for the price is the real ne hammer card – look at the video of linustechtips otherwise if the German prefers I would recommend creative jersey
Has even enough vram – ne 8gb card I won’t buy anymore if possible
A used 7600xt should do it 😀
Thank you.
something like that? the card is now really not long on the market
200 Euro is crunchy for the CPU I also built a Pc with the CPU a year ago and an RX6700xt for 330 eurom, but unfortunately there is no longer new. I would save you and get me a rx6800 that’s still new.
What do you mean? save more money to get a better gpu?
Yes the rx6800 costs I think 380 euros. The 5 7600 is a strong CPU that could also fire a 7900 gre
Answer this. Look here to get the best performance:
and if I put on am4 to have more money for the gpu and then, for example, a 5600x good to load?
Used on classifieds rtx 2080s for 200€.
is this a big bottleeck?
Minecraft is definitely enough. With the budget, an Am4 system would be better, especially because the Ram and the motherboard are not so stupid.
No, because the rtx 2080s is about as strong as the rtx 4060.
Oh God. it has reasons why the 2080 are traded super so cheap. This is really not a solid graphics card.
What would be alternative?
The 5600x is approx. 5% faster.
How big is the difference between 5600 and 5600x?
A ryzen 5600 and more ram and better motherboard (the A… motherboards are not so good).
You should not trust such Bottleneck machines.
loud pc build bottleeck calculator is the cpu somewhat too weak for the 2080 super
ok, which cpu would take on an am4 system?