Welche Gegenstände kann man gratis im Internet bestellen (seriös und sinnvoll)?

Was mir einfällt:

  • Grundgesetz
  • Organspendeausweis

Habt ihr noch mehr Punkte, lasst es mich wissen, danke <3

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5 months ago

https://shop.bzga.de/new publications/

Have fun with it. Is there any more but the pages don’t just fall

5 months ago

Brochure “Welcome in Germany” with extracts from the Residence Act, can be ordered free of charge in all languages. Anyone who plans to develop professionally in this direction also has a good textbook for the beginning, but can of course also be downloaded as a pdf, so the paper form has become quite meaningless as in the Basic Law.

As a reservoir I ordered the “Veteranenabzeichen” and it was delivered to me free of charge, but it is not really for nothing, but you had to do something for it before.

In addition to the organ donation card, there is also the blood donation card, I have also been sent for free, but there is also something to do with it. And take, for every appointment Köttbullar gives for free in our IKEA, this is a good thing, the concept seems to go up.

So, so for nothing is actually nothing in life, you have to be clear, always is some kind of counter-performance in the game.