Welche FujiLinse eignet sich am Besten für Reproduktionsfotos von Ölmalerei?

Hi da draußen. Ich benötige Reproduktionsfotos meiner Ölmalerei und wie ihr vermutlich herauslesen könnt, bin ich Maler und kein Fotograf, möchte das aber für die Reproduktion ändern. Nun bin ich überfordert mit den Objektiven. Die Fotoqualität soll es später möglich machen, auf meiner Website bei reinzoomen tolle Qualität zu sehen. Welche Linse eignet sich am besten dafür?

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1 year ago


first you have to master repros of oil paintings.

Repros of paintings are preferably made lying (plan) with 2x or better 4x 45″ soft pliers light. There is the “Norm Repros” with the focus on preservation/documentation, but it reduces the “depth” of images. The “beautiful” of oil paintings is that one cannot photograph the effect or only as stereo photography.

Otherwise, the XC 16-50 can be used for repros with the “Best Point” at 35mm@f8 at the XC 15-45 from 24mm up. The XF 18-55 is suitable for repro

Fuji has the XF 60/2.4 Macro and there is the Zeiss 50/2.8 Touit for Repros

1 year ago

The problem is not so much the lens.

What you need is a “repro tripod” with corresponding lighting. The tripod brings the camera to the right distance to the picture and the lighting must ensure that your image is completely evenly illuminated.

A modern lens with a corresponding camera is perfect!

1 year ago

For reproduction, you can even take the kit objective and place the screen on f/8 or f/11, which optimizes image sharpness. For in a still painting you can use an exposure time of any length, provided you have a tripod or another way of immoving the camera.

Since kit lenses often have a slight cushion distortion and other optical disadvantages, it might be possible to think about a fixed focal length. The focal length then depends on how much space you have. Ideal would probably be 35mm as cheap Fujinon XC 35mm 2.0. With a little more space you can also have a 50mm like the Fujifilm Fujinon XF 50mm 2.0 R WR black take. With very large pictures like a 100cm canvas, you need approx. Plan 2.20 meters distance while you get at 35mm at 1.50 meters.

I am not following this, a uniform illumination is also very important. For this purpose, at least 2 daylight lamps with softboxes are recommended, with which you can illuminate the image from both sides without shadows.