Welche Führerschein?
Welchen Führerschein brauche ich für folgende Kombi:
Zulässige Gesamtmasse laut Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil 1:
Auto 2174
Anhänger 1200
Ich war immer der Meinung das ich mit einem B Führerschein Anhänger mit maximal 750kg fahren darf.
See Driving license counts only the zGM of cars and trailers.
Trailers <=750kg zGM: Go to all cars that can be used with Kl. B.
trailer >750kg zGM: sum of the zGM of passenger cars and trailers must be at B <=3,5t and at B96 <=4.25t (1 day training without examination, vision test, first aid, etc., close to 400EUR, certificate with corresponding Submit an application to the Office, of course, costs too much. Fees). Otherwise BE (>1000EUR, with test, vision test, first aid if you do not, for example, wg. B had only recently made, in the worst case even truck driver license required).
Attachment loads etc. also note! https://www.adac.de/rund-ums-fahrzeug/ausstattung-technik-zubehoer/ladesicherung/fahr-mit-anhaenger/
So your constellation just goes with B. Watch if you use another towing vehicle!
Class B lets you
either: car up to 3.5t (total weight) + trailer 0.75t (total weight)
or: car + trailers plus total weight of the tension not exceeding 3,5t.
Means if the car is a tool. Total weight of 2174kg and the trailer has a tool. Total weight of 1200kg, is added to 3374kg. Total weight. The combination is therefore allowed to drive with the class B driving licence because it does not exceed 3500kg.
Hi, class B is enough.
Since the train has no more than 3.5 t z.GG.
The driving licence class B is defined in § 6 FeV:
Class B:
Again in your own words:
For this, you need class B as the total mass does not exceed 3500 kilograms.
BE or B96, in class B, with trailers over 750 kg is final.
Is not wrong
For the combination you need BE
Correct my answer:
https://www.humbaur.com/en/knowledge/travel permit/
You two mean wq’s different now. May I ask where you know yours, because I find both on the Internet…
Correct and the total mass of the tractor and trailer does not exceed 3500 kg.