Welche fräse für Hobby/Anfängrt?

Hallo, ich möchte mir eine Bohr und Fräsmaschine zulegen. Am liebsten würde ich auch mal Edelstahl fräsen, was aber wahrscheinlich bei meinem Budget (um die 1500€) nicht drinne ist.

Aluminium reicht mir auch… leider weiß ich nicht zu welcher Maschine ich greifen soll, da ich auch ein absoluter Anfänger bin.

Ich habe bereits eine Drehbank von Proxxon, weshalb ich überlege mir ebenfalls von dort eine fräse zu holen.

hat jemand Erfahrung/Empfehlung für mich?

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2 years ago

Tl, dr:

Victory SU1 or identical.


Long version: For 1500 Euros you buy something like the OPTImill BF 16Vario, or for cheaper brands like HBM also a number larger (HBM BF 25).

The problem with the things – which are all made in China and differ mainly in the quality control of the importer – is that from my point of view there are misconstructions.

They have a pivotable column, if you want to “mill angle”, and the swivel joint is fatal lower End of this column.

This function is much more important for adjusting, because as a rule, one wants the column to be as perpendicular as possible, and this is necessary to adjust as fine as possible with the measuring clock. And then you’ll never touch it again.

But in this construction, the column forms a super long lever for the resulting cutting forces because of the joint at the lower end. The result: Adjusts easily and is not particularly stiff.

However, rigidity in milling machines is the A and O. This is the most important of all and after that comes for a long time at least Nothing.

By contrast, a correct milling machine has a pivotable head, which makes it much more rigid in addition to the ten times higher weight. (This would be like the Southbend and Bridgeport singers of all Amis on Youtube.)

Model builders and other hobby cobblers try to retrofit various solutions such as screwing or welding angle plates to the column. Or just buy a three-time machine as big as you actually need, so that the constructive weakness is not so weak.

But ultimately, the only reasonable thing to do is to create a better constructed machine.

That’s super difficult for so little money. Designed industrial machines in the field are either scrapped or unattractive for any other reason and also weigh up from 800 kilos, so that the amateur does not necessarily get clear.






and this brings it back to the victory SU1 mentioned at the outset, because it is a shrunk cover and therefore clearly stiffer.

But does not have a pinole for drilling and is quite small overall.

2 years ago

There’s nothing good for 1500 euros. You might get a good used lathe at Ebay.