Welche französische Region findet ihr am schönsten?
Normandie, Bretagne oder die Provence mit den Lavendelfeldern?
Normandie, Bretagne oder die Provence mit den Lavendelfeldern?
Hi meine Mama hat mir von einem Eis erzählt welches früher ihr Lieblingseis war. Also so in den 80ern und 90ern und sie ist im Osten aufgewachsen und sie hatten da immer so ein Eis am Stiel, Wassereis wo so drei Früchte also Erdbeere, Apfel etc. überwinander waren, und was halt übel lecker war. Sie…
Provence offers a fascinating mix of nature, culture, gastronomy and relaxation – with often bright sunshine and pleasant temperatures. Avignon, Arles, Nîmes, Orange and Aix-en-Provence are just some of the famous historic cities that are an absolute must beside a detour to the Pont du Gard. In the high season, these cities are mostly overrun, but the hinterland with idyllic, often unknown villages offers beautiful retreats. Vineyards, olive groves and lavender fields shape the landscape, and in the Camargue there are also quite decoratively some pink flamingos available as a photo motif. In the evening it is definitely worth trying out the exquisite specialities of Provencal cuisine in the numerous restaurants – and if you don’t just want to experience culture, cycling and hiking tours on well-signed routes or a quiet day on one of the beautiful beaches are offered.
I’m glad I could help you. Thank you for the star!
Of the stated regions the Provence, but in itself my favorite regions in France are the Limousin and Burgundy.
There are many regions missing!
La Champagne
La Picardie
La Bourgogne
la Franche-Comté
Le Languedoc-Roussillon
The Brittany is exactly my climate, not so hot, it always blows a bit of wind, in the climate I can be active. Culturally there is also a great deal
The choice is not easy, but the Provence just has the nose at the front. Summer, sun, great landscape, lots of culture- really unique.
Find Brittany the most beautiful. 😊😉
LG Maike
I love Southern France!
Two of my best friends come from Normandy and Provence.
Land of black bulls, white horses and pink flamingos.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t there yet.
The Franche-Comté and Alsace directly at the border with Switzerland.
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