Welche Fitness Uhr könnt ihr empfehlen?


ich habe vor kurzem angefangen zu laufen und wollte mir eine Fitness Uhr/Fitnesstracker holen aber die Auswahl ist so groß, da fällt die Entscheidung doch recht schwer…

Die Uhr sollte unter 100 Euro kosten und es muss auch nicht 1000 Funktionen haben..

Vielleicht kann einer von euch mir eine gute und günstige Uhr empfehlen.

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8 months ago

I’d always buy a garmin. Currently I have a Fenix 5, which I needed for about 100 €. While this is quite a weapon, there are of course numerous other models for all needs.

8 months ago

In the price situation, I can give you the Amazfit GDP, GTS or GTR models. Are great, the app fits, battery life is strong. However, the latest version costs over 100 €, but is usually only a slight model revision of the previous model. GTS and GTR are approximately identical, S stands for square (lateral model) and R for round (round model). GDP is somewhat weakened in various details, e.g. plastic housing, but still complete.

We had the old GDP and the GTS 2 (metal housing) in the family so far. Best buy in my opinion: GTS 3 for just under 100 €.

8 months ago
Reply to  darkhouse

I am completely in line with the Garmin Instinct series. The price is worthwhile, are very durable, have an energy-saving s/w display, are highly functional and app fits super. I want to buy the 2X solar, but the three-year-old Instinct 1 keeps like ox…