Welche Fische kann man an der Cote d‘azur mit der Harpune fangen?
Ich bin ein guter Schwimmer und tauche schon seit meiner Kindheit und würde gerne mal Erfahrungen mit einer Harpune sammeln, ich frage mich nur welche von den Fischen in Küstennähe geeignete Speißefische sind… gibt es irgendwo eine Liste?
ich sehr am häufigsten diese silber schimmernden Schwärme, die am Boden gerne nach Gutter suchen, die sind meine ich essbar…
Gibt es vielleicht irgendwo eine Liste, speziell fürs Harpunieren? (Wenn ich suche finde ich nur sehr umfangreiche Listen, die mir wenig weiterhelfen)
This is allowed in France under certain conditions, but I cannot imagine that it is allowed at the main swimming resort, because the danger that you are experiencing other tourists is too great. Coastal proximity will probably be able to bend.online you can actually find here only the proven fishing with max 2 hooks. In your place, I would look for a guided tour that you know where you can go home with a success just like I read you have to go out by boat and then hunt there.
On the beach? There are little fish. Steilküsten is here without end, so you can go great fishing with the harpoon. See those who are on the harpoon every day.
Okay that’s good that knows that on the beach that’s not going 😅 sorry but some aren’t that clear 😅
Even though men are often more risky, so I can only advise not to do this as alone, you will not get any help. Because free diving without a device off coast with unknown flow conditions is certainly charming but also dangerous for you.
There are endless regulations. Read it. You’ll get the appetite for fish