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2 months ago

I met both more often. And both are not generally dangerous. A single Piranha cannot do much to you as well. In the worst case, he’ll take you away from your skin. I’m with a Piranha (I ate it)

A single shark can become dangerous to you. But it depends on which shark. There are many shark species and most are completely harmless.

But there is actually a certain shark species that is as aggressive as ever, but is not very common, especially hardly on beaches. They are usually found on high seas, where they usually go hunting at night, and sometimes in river mouths. That’s the bull shark. I’m not going to the water. They go on everything and I’ve experienced how they hit boats.

2 months ago
Reply to  Penguin8

I ate him

You seem to be dangerous here 😬

1 month ago
Reply to  Penguin8

So I was in Playa del Carmen (Mexico) last week with feeders of bull sharks. The diving spot is about 500m in front of the beach (you will find the spot on Google Maps). The guides said there were about 50 – 70 animals in this area. At feeding there were about 15. There has never been an accident in this region, with which the fear of bull sharks is actually unfounded. Most of the shark is the problem of river mouths and brackish water.

2 months ago

Most sharks are not dangerous, only a few species attack people at all and then usually are equipped. Piranhas, if ever, are only dangerous in the swarm. They are also relatively small and cannot feed a person away with three tips. If you get hurt and bleeding into a big swarm, they can be dangerous, but in the normal case they are harmless. In the year only 10 people worldwide die through sharks and statistically no one through Piranhas.

The most dangerous are mosquitoes, over 700000 people are killed every year by transmitted diseases.

2 months ago

depends on who;D

I personally find Piranhas really mean, have once worked in a wateristic action, the Piranhas got live fish, they have eaten the fins for the first time, so that the fish sank to the ground, and then let them lie there for some time, as a living influential feed reserve…

2 months ago

Large sharks are much more dangerous. A single Piranha or even a swarm is not able to kill an adult person.

2 months ago
