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1 year ago

They must support the same protocol.

Today in 2023/2024 have the most sparkling either one CC2500, this is a chip that supports several common protkolle(futaba, FrSKY, RadioLink)…, a 4 in 1 module, there are 4 chips together, one of them the CC2500, and another 3 more for more protocols (Flysky, Spectrum DXMX…), so you can then get all relevant protocols AUßER ELRSwhat the third option is common. ELRS is only compatible with ELRS, and also only with the same version. So a radio with ELRS version 3.x is compatible only with a receiver with version 3.x. This can be flashed to a current version without problems.
In most fun devices, you can also install an external module to support other protocols.

Of course, the same frequency must also be, of course, elrs 2.4ghz is not compatible with elrs 900mhz.

Receivers can usually only have a log.

1 year ago
Reply to  Strami26

Ah, whereby, crossfire can also be used for sparkling.

seems to be relatively expensive

1 year ago
Reply to  Strami26

Crossfire is used for communication from the radio to the modules connected there. And also the communication from receiver to flight controller. It doesn’t have to do directly with the communication to your drone.

1 year ago

I’d recommend flying something in a simulator before you break the drone. You can connect the funke to the pc and then use a simulator such as DRL or liftoff.

The cool thing about ELRS is that it also supports bluetooth, so you can even use it wirelessly with the pc(or smartphone).

1 year ago

comment image

Here’s an illustration.

You do not connect SBUS and GND (yellow and brown I believe) from the O3 (top) to the flight controller and connect a receiver for this.
There is a crossfire receiver(and some other types of receivers) mapped, which you may have already, but elrs receiver works just like the crossfire receiver

1 year ago

Yeah, right. You can install an ELRS receiver.

At ELRS there are two possibilities, either make the receiver 3 times fast and out, then the receiver flashes quickly and you can manually couple it.
Or you can set up a bind phrase in the receiver and in your funke(via wlan, elrs sender and receiver can wlan, or flash). Then both automatically connect each time you turn them on.

1 year ago

I just happen to see you wrote, “I’m going to buy the little erls module.”
Do you mean receiver or receiver?

You build the ELRS module into your radio, you don’t need it if the funke has already elrs. So if you buy the T-pro, you don’t need an elrs module anymore, just an elrs receiver.

1 year ago

I didn’t do it myself, but I’ve heard about it.

Jumpers are reproached some problems at the quality icheurng, I have heard of people who have received jumper sparkken who were already broken from the beginning.

But personally, I didn’t make such experiences. My jumper works so well.

1 year ago

Jumper T-Pro, Jumper T-20, Radiomaster Zorro, Radiomaster boxer and RadioMaster TX16S are the best radios with integrated elrs.

But you can also buy another, even a 5 or 10 year old, and then build an elder module. Most have either a jr module bay (as here at the T-20 comment image) or nano module bay (as here at the Zorro comment image ).
For some like the T-pro and T-20 you need an adapter.
And then there are modules with which you can upgrade your radio, like this here

But if you’re just using elrs anyway, it’s natural to buy you one with integrated elrs.

In the case of the receiver, the small ones usually have a lower size, but elrs generally has a rather high size. Even with the 100mW allowed in Germany, you can reach several kilometers. And in Germany it must always be within itself with a mere eye, so more is not really necessary. Have seen a youtube video there is a 100km with his plane flying with elrs, this is illegal here.

1 year ago

And if you have the controller-shaped dinger, jumper also has: the jumper T-Lite V2 ELRS

The T-lite V2 has only 150mW send power, the jumper t20 1000mW, but here in DE are already only 100mW send power, and no one wants to break laws. (and also already reach 100mW for several kilometers if there are no obstacles in between)

1 year ago

Your DJI fpv remote controller 1(which you think I understand?) is not compatible with the air unit, so you need another remote control and an additional receiver.

For example, I have a jumper t20 elrs, which is relatively new.

1 year ago

Yes, because a DJI air unit is installed at the drone ab werk. Like I said, DJI drone or DJI air unit. The air unit is relatively large, i.e. small drone no chance, and also relatively expensive, i.e. cheap drone also no chance.

The air unit is also compatible with the second version of remote control, but not with the first. But you can connect a receiver.

1 year ago

I recently bought this one here

Works well. Is extremely small(11x11mm) and under 1 gram weight.
However, it must be soldered, even relatively fine because it is just 11x11mm.

There are also bigger where already cable are soldered

iflight also sells it yourself with elrs receiver

1 year ago

If you have a goggle from DJI, it only works with dji drones and dji remote control.

DJI sells a “O3 air unit” that you can install into other drones, with camera and receiver. If your glasses are compatible with it(only version 2 of the glasses), you can still use other drones.
But this is very expensive with 250€. And you need a DJI remote control, too.

If you have DJI you have to buy everything at dji in principle.

1 year ago

If you want dji, you just buy everything from DJI and good.

If you don’t want to buy DJI, you can buy everything from any manufacturers except DJI.

1 year ago

DJI is virtually the apple of the drones, they make everything out of principle different than all other manufacturers. They don’t sell you any spare parts, etc.

1 year ago

Crossfire is older, ELRS is very new. But ELRS is open source and cheap, while crossfire is expensive and proprietary.

DJI has a very own ding, for DJI drone you take a DJi away. And the DJI remote control is drone for DJI.

1 year ago

Or you build an elrs receiver that costs 10-20€. The pinout is also exactly the same, both use crossfire to communicate with the flight controller, so you can simply expand the crossfire receiver and install an elrs receiver without changing anything else.

And there are hardly any radios installed with crossfire sender(I know none), so you probably need a crossfire module. Most fun devices have a space to install external modules, such as crossfire.

1 year ago

Radio and receiver in the copter must have the same protocol

A good spark would be, for example, the Radiomaster Boxer ELRS or Jumper t20 elrs, in the copter then a corresponding ELRS receiver

1 year ago
Reply to  Strami26


The glasses have nothing to do with remote control